kids were acting up in the store so i started a game of simon says. they loved the gam so much they forgot that "simon" was really directing them to get what we needed and check out without making a scene.
Kiddo is a monkey in our cherry tree. Coming down from picking, he scraped his stomach and so he wanted band-aids, which wouldn't work anyway. Plus, he needed a shower...but he was worried that the scrape would hurt in the water. After deciding he didn't want to put the shower off, I suggested he leave his tee shirt on for the shower so the water wouldn't be hitting it directly.
He was excited at the whole venture, we got the shower done without any pain. I'll try to remember this if he gets a sunburn.
Any fun work-arounds in your 'parenting toolbox'? Good stories of unconventional solutions to life's little problems? Share!
kids were acting up in the store so i started a game of simon says. they loved the gam so much they forgot that "simon" was really directing them to get what we needed and check out without making a scene.
My daughter would never eat turkey when she was young but if we called it chicken...well then it was pretty good and she liked it. Also our eggs didn't come from chickens and our milk didn't come from cows.😉
Should have known she would eventually become a vegetarian though.
Turning the pillow over on a hot night or when a kid has a fever, so he can sleep on the "cold side".
Making fruit the "first half" of breakfast so he eats that before he dives into the French toast or carb course. For years, he thought everyone had a "first half" and a "second half" at breakfast.
Lying down on the floor with legs up in the air to push the foot into the snow boot, rather than having him stand on one leg and try to shove a foot into a boot that's half collapsed.
Putting hydrocortisone anti-itch cream directly on a bandaid, and then putting the bandaid over a mosquito bite or batch of poison ivy, just enough to hold the cream on the bite but not tight enough to actually cause any friction or pressure to rev up the itch. It prevents rubbing the cream on the itchy spot. The same thing works with antibacterial cream going on a cut if the child is afraid of being touched.
There are a zillion ways to sneak nutritional foods into the child's favorites.
I'm sure there are million more - I'll be interested to see the other responses.
My kids love to compeat at everything. While I try to discourage this most of the time I do use it for chores. I will give them a team chore that they have to do togather. Then I take another chore. Then we set a timer and play a combined game of beat the clock/ race. Winner gets an icy pop. I have gotten an icy pop only 2 times. Lol.
I have a million of them yet can't think of one at the moment. I am sure I have a lot and would imagine some of them are good. As a mother of 4 you can't be there always for each of them so you learn what to say to get them to work through something.
It is funny, for abrasions we convinced Andy that neosporin with pain relief is a miracle drug that cures all pain and let the placebo effect kick in. We also keep aloe with lidocaine in the fridge for sunburns. I don't believe it is the placebo effect, it really does feel better kept cold.
whisking baby food veggies from the jar into the pancake batter.....can you say beta carotene? LOL
JFF indeed. thanks!! S. :-)
My daughter was five when she stepped off a curb wrong and dislocated her knee. I reached under my shirt, removed my bra, and used it as an Ace bandage around her knee.