Is This Price Out of Line?

Updated on September 23, 2011
K.G. asks from Fort Wayne, IN
13 answers

I have a business that I am getting started back up, that I let go on the back burner after I had my dd. Its a business similar to Build a Bear, except I come to your home with the portable stuffing machine. I supply all of the paints, markers, stuffed animal skins, a t-shirt for the stuffed animal and a cotton library tote. That the children get to decorate as they like. I had a fantastic response up in MI and am hoping for the same here in IN. There is nothing like this down here so I am excited to get going. Up in MI I was charging per child $12 + tax and travling fee. I was only making about $4 per child which is not alot. Here, I am going to charge $15 + traveling fee. would you pay that? I have a 5 child minimum with discounts for 10+ kid parties. Up in MI I did alot of very large events 25+ kids, I geared more towards the big events while the bday parties were my bread and butter. I know at Build a Bear they have the $10 animals but you do not get the t shirt or tote just a cardboard box. and you have to lug all of the kids to the mall. I am all in one just add cake and you are good to go.
Please let me know what you think on that price I know the econmy is bad but the prices have also gone up on my end for supplies and shipping. TIA

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So What Happened?

I do have the costumes also at $10 a pc. and the traveling fee is $8. I never thought to do a 20+ mile fee. Since I am out in the country and the city is 10+ miles away I just figured $8 was good but now that I think about it the miles could rack up. thanks for your input. I may raise my prices after 6mo it things are going well.

Thanks MamaDuck I think I may do a booking fee of $15 and make it non refundable. I was doing a $25 date holding fee that was taken off at the end of the bill. That was non refundable if they cancled on me. but in the end they go it back.

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answers from Raleigh on

I think the term traveling fee is a little confusing. I would instead call it a booking fee, make it non-refundable, and charge a flat rate. People will not question a booking fee and the term is more common, I think. I think $30-$50 is not an unreasonable booking fee.

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answers from Houston on

I do parties, I have a set rate for 10 kids and less, people get confused when you charge per each kid, espeically they may get stressed out if a sibling comes or some don't show up, then you are out money. After my party package, it is so and so extra per child, (for me, it is per half hour). I don't include the tax as an add on, just take it out later when I pay taxes b/c people don't like all the fees racking up. I charge a travel fee after 20 miles... but really I should do more like 15 miles, especially b/c of tollways! Most of the entertainment people I know do something similar. After $15 per child, you are still only making $7 a child. You are providing entertainment and the party favor, you could charge more than that, depending on how much others are willing to pay.

One tip, INSTEAD of taking a monetary discount for for 10+ parties, you should offer an incentive, such as a free animal accessory or something like a pinata or coloring book or even rub on tattoos that you can provide for a lower rate without taking a financial hit. I know if I provided discounts for 10+kids, I would make very little, since most parties I do have around 15 kids.

*Also, I require 25% of the party deposit up front. I email an invoice via paypal and they pay the remaining balance at the time of the party. It holds the party for them and they feel secure knowing I am not going to flake out on them.

You can see my prices and polices and such here;

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answers from Bloomington on

I would totally pay that, depending on what you charge as a traveling fee.

I just mapquested you to see how far you are. Too bad it's over a 3 hour drive! I'm almost certain I couldn't afford that fee. ;-)

Good luck. Sounds like a great option for a birthday party. That would have solved my dilemna for my 4 year old's party in Nov.

EDIT: 5 kids = $75 Most people can't do simple math on the fly and might think $15 a kid sounds high, but would think $75 for entertainment and party gift for 5 kids is cheap. It's all on how you present it. A travel fee sounds like fine print and makes me think you are going to "nickel and dime" me.

I'd just charge a flat fee for 5 kids of $100 - 120 and charge $12-$15 per kid after that. Throw in extra accessories for groups of 10 or more.

Man, I wish you were closer!

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answers from St. Louis on

I hate build a bear but mostly because they offer so much. Good luck getting out of there with a naked bear. I would pay that just so I would know this is it and nothing more. :)

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answers from Anchorage on

I would pay it, I wish you were here.

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answers from Washington DC on

yes I think that is a reasonable price for everything that you offer. Good luck!!

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answers from Chicago on

Pretty sure I would pay it ... but I think I do like the elaborate outfits I can get at build a bear.

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answers from Dallas on

Quite reasonable. I would pay that! You pay for convenience, and your service is extremely convenient!!

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answers from New York on

I think $15 per child is a fair price.

I really don't like the "traveling fee". I would come up with a flat rate for in-town or close areas and another flat fee for out of town.

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answers from New York on

I would pay it. Good luck!



answers from Philadelphia on

I think that is a reasonable price if I was going to have a home party.

Best of luck!!!


answers from Kansas City on

I think you could charge more and still do well. I would pay it!



answers from San Francisco on

My question is about the traveling fee-- i think 15 is reasonable for the animal, but you shouldn't do too much of a travel fee. I would make it a flat fee for a radius of like 50 miles and then go up from there. But state it directly instead of leaving it open ended. GL!


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