My son went through this same phase at about 2.5 also. I am a stickler for naps and find that all children this age no matter how energetic need some unwind time in the middle of the afternoon. I would tell my son that he didn't need to sleep but needed to "rest his eyes" until I came back to get him. I told him he was allowed one book in bed and that was it. After about 1-2 weeks of that he was back to his usual nap schedule. He is now 4 and naps EVERYDAY the same time my 2 year old naps. I go in his room with him, he is allowed to play in his room for 15 minutes, I go in after that time period and tell him it's time to get in bed and rest. He sleeps everyday. He is super energetic and if he doesn't get his nap he is miserable by 5:30! I say change it up a bit (in terms of the time you put her down) But like the previous poster said, with 2 you will want to have both of them napping, at the same time, or having "quiet time" everyday. Be gentle, but firm, she needs her rest.
Good Luck.