With my second I was also put on bedrest at 26 weeks for two months. I started losing my plug on Friday and delivered on Wednesday. Still probably more time than you were hoping but you know how we're all different. Good luck.
Hi Everyone me again! I have a question which I will ask my doctor later today as well, but I just wanted to know if any of you had experiences on this. I am 39 weeks pregnant with boy #2. Been on bed rest since 26 weeks, due to early contractions. During my checkup yesterday my doctor told me that I was 2cm dilated. I had to get a ton of things done yesterday and walked quite a bit. Last night I think I lost part of my mucus plug, it wasn't the same as last time as my water actually broke on the toilet last time and I lost the whole thing at once (gross). This time was just mucus-y plug with blood. Anyone experienced this before and how long before labor. I googled it last night and some lady said she kept on losing bits and pieces for 2 weeks? That sounded very long for me! My contractions aren't regular at the moment and not that painful so that confused me even more. Let me know
It has been WAY too busy to give an update... but wanted to let everyone know that Jacques Heinrich Kemp was born 3/18/09!! 7Pounds 8 Oz and 20" Tall! I ended up being induced. But labor was REALLY easy this time. Honestly 3 pushes. They started labor at 9:30am. And Jacques was born 11:50am. Once again I went natural with no drugs because it was going too fast! Anyway.. just wanted to thank everyone for your answers.
Hi Everyone.. thank you for all the responses, great advice and good wishes. I called the doctor yesterday and she told me to wait it out at home, but I had to be sure that I wasn't leaking amniotic fluid. I am not I don't think. I am still losing what I am thinking is "the plug" and the contractions seems to be getting closer together. If they become more regular and stronger I will call in again. Just been having them for so many weeks that it is hard to tell. In case you are wondering no they were not Braxton hicks they were true contractions since 26 weeks, I was monitored weekly. The weird thing is.. my morning sickness came back. Never thought that would be possible! I will keep you posted and again THANK YOU! ;-)
With my second I was also put on bedrest at 26 weeks for two months. I started losing my plug on Friday and delivered on Wednesday. Still probably more time than you were hoping but you know how we're all different. Good luck.
if you find the all knowing answer, let ME know! i am 38w3d pregnant, am dilated to a 4+, have been having bloody mucus for the last week and mild contractions. I went to the hospital on Tuesday night and they said the contractions just arent strong enough. Long story short, I dont think there IS a definite answer. the good news? there has never been a case where baby stays in there forever.
Hang in there, everyone is different. My mucus plug slowly released itself for about a month before delivery. I was dilated to 4 cm and 75% effaced for 2 weeks. I kept on thinking it was anyday, but at 38 weeks when I was 6 cm and not having regular or painful contractions I ended up needing a little pitocin to get into an active labor pattern.
When you loose your mucus plug doesnt really predict when you will go in to labor. You can loose it quite awhile before you have a baby. Im sure you are ready--hang in there.
I don't know that that's something that has a definite time frame, but for me it was I think the day before...I lost my mucus plug and my water broke the next night. But, I had very long labors (both 55 plus hours) so my first day of regular contractions didn't get me anywhere...perhaps if your labors progress faster, it would be closer. With my second, I never noticed losing it; I think it must have come out in labor, I guess?
I lost my plug on a Sunday and went into labor Tuesday morning. Good luck!! How exciting!!!! And I should add...it was my second child and I was 38 weeks and one day when I had him.
I have heard that the mucuc plug can come out 2 weeks before delivery and up to the actual delivery. In my case I was 2 days over due. I had been having irregular contractions for a couple weeks and my plug fell out. One day I came home from work and plopped myself down on the couch. All of the sudden I felt a small gush, like I peed alittle. I went in the bathroom and alittle more came out. Then I began having cramping sensations. My water never really "gushed" it just trickled out with every contraction. By the time I showered the contrations were regular. My daughter was born 13 hours later!! She will be 21 next month! I can remember every detail of that day. The happiest of my life...until #2, then #3, then #4 and then finally #5!!
Good Luck!
i literally was pooping and losing that mucous for 2-3 weeks before i had my son. in that time i also did a lot of painless dialating - i was at 4.5 cms at 38 weeks, even though the doctor and i are both convinced that my pregnancy was at term at that point, not 2 weeks behind. either way, just keep an eye on yourself, keep your husband on call at any moment, and it could be any time, but it could also be a week more. just have patience, take it easy. you are almost there! :D
good luck!
No real advice, just good luck!! Hope your time comes very soon!
Suretha I have 4 children and all the labors were a little different. If your doctor is ok with it I would start getting everything done that you want. If you start moving around alot it will start the labor process. I was on bed rest with my last 2 and when the time got close my MD. said to go for it and work around the house and take walks with someone ( my husband) and that would help. My mucus plug did not come out on my lasst pregnancy until the day I delivered. so you could go anywhere from now until a week or two. Good luck with your delivery.
I never lost my plug with my first 2 boys but with my last baby I lost it less than a week before I went into labor. It really isn't a good indicator of when labor will start, though, because it can regenerate itself.
On our first the plug came out and the the water came 6 hours later. With our second it took a week. They might keep you when you go in. They did with our second. They made my husband come to the office and take me to the hospital.
With my first, my water broke and I had a C-section so I don't remember losing my mucus plug. However, with my 2nd & 3rd I lost it after having some very irregular contractions and then my kids were born later that day.