It can come from a few things. More discharge during pregnancy, more discharge before your period or the beginning stages of a yeast infection. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that it's the first. :)
We are TTC, and if I'm not pregnant, I should get my period in the next day or two. (fingers crossed that I don't though!!) Over the past 2-3 days, I've had a LOT of discharge. Is this normal before you start period or if you're pregnant?
I'm a day late now, so I took a test this morning. FAINT FAINT positive....fingers still crossed!!
It can come from a few things. More discharge during pregnancy, more discharge before your period or the beginning stages of a yeast infection. Keeping my fingers crossed for you that it's the first. :)
I have no idea what TTC is but I can tell you that there is a lot of extra discharge when you are pregnant. I haven't noticed it as much when I am just getting my period.
Good luck!
I just found out I'm pregnant 12 DPO and I'm having discharge too. But, I have discharge before my period too sometimes. If you aren't pregnant this cycle, then get the book called Taking Control of Your Fertility. That will give you more power over your own fertility. Also, I used the herbal supplement FertilAid and after 8 months of TTC we concieved the first month. Good luck and baby dust to you.
Both... Sorry to give you a confusing answer, but the increased hormones of pregnancy can cause an increase in discharge AND so can the estrogen surge right before your cycle. You can't hang your hat on this as a sure sign.