For some cases, it is used.
Your child's teeth do not seem to be in bad shape.
She just has gaps between her teeth.
And her bite is fine.
Or get a 2nd opinion.
Now, they say her teeth are fine and her bite is fine.
BUT... if they then try to close the gaps between her teeth... HOW IS THAT, going to then affect her bite and alignment????
I would ASK that.
Because, if after using this method or braces, her bite... WILL be affected as well as the alignment of her teeth overall.
And will this then make her bite BETTER... or worse??? And then you may have another problem with her teeth and her bite.
It is just that, I heard from someone who had braces... to correct a minor alignment problem. But then after that, her bite and teeth alignment got worse. Because, her NATURAL teeth alignment and bite was fine before hand... the braces was just for COSMETIC reasons. She didn't REALLY have to have it done. But so she wishes she didn't have it done. But too late now. Her mouth/teeth/bite configuration is different now.... after the fact.
So something to think about.
I would really question, the after effects... will it make thing better or worse, for her mouth/alignment/teeth after all that?
Or is her mouth and alignment FINE?
It seems her alignment/bite/teeth are fine.
It is just a cosmetic, thing that they would be doing the Invisalign for. And her teeth, are straight.