Hi A.,
Our second child (now 7) had the same allergies and issues with foods when he was a baby/toddler. Egg was the only food he reacted to via my breastmilk though. So I really feel for you having to eliminate so much from your diet!
He had the same issues with food texture. I found that he had a very strong preference for crunchy/hard foods. Even his meats had to be crunchy or he wouldn't eat it. (He ate a lot of bacon, and homemade meat patties that I used to intentionally over-bake so that they were crunchy.) My family thought that he was just being picky and that I was spoiling and "enabling" him. But when he was 3yo we saw a occupational therapist that specialized in children and had experience with oral/food issues. She said he was developmentally delayed in how he swallowed, and he was still thrusting out his tongue, which most babies outgrow around when they start solids.
Anyway, he did eventually outgrow his food texture issues, starting at 3yo and totally outgrown by 5yo. He has also outgrown many of his food allergies! He still has to avoid all nuts, and we are still limiting soy and corn, but he can now eat wheat, egg and dairy unrestricted.
I would suggest that you talk to your ped and/or allergist about trying to find a formula that he can tolerate. That way you could supplement his diet with the formula until he is 2yo and you've had time to find a variety of things that he can/will eat. Our allergist recommended trying Carnation Good Start, which some babies that are milk allergic can tolerate because the milk is partially hydrolyzed. (This wouldn't be safe to try if the milk allergy is severe/anaphylactic, but could be tried if the reaction is just eczema.) There's also a formula called NeoCate that is supposed to be impossible to be allergic to, but my son didn't tolerate it either. (It gave him GI issues, probably from the corn in it.) You doctor can probably get you a free sample. It's expensive and supposedly tastes bad, but if it works for your son, it would relieve a great deal of stress for you and give him a balanced base for his diet.
We never did find a formula our son could tolerate. On recommendation from our doctor, I ended up ordering the protein-only (broken down to free amino acids) powder sold separately by SHS (the company that makes NeoCate) and adding it to rice or oat milk. This powder was really expensive, but lasted a long time since you only add a tablespoon to each cup of rice milk. (And you need a prescription to get it. SHS sends you a form to have your doctor sign.) Let me know if you want more info on this, and I will dig it up...
I can also recommend an on-line support group for Parents of Kids with Food Allergies. www.kidswithfoodallergies.org This group was VERY helpful back when our son was little and we were struggling to sort out his allergies and find foods he could eat.
Be sure to take care of yourself too. Food allergies and special diets like this tend to absorb all your energy and create constant pressure/stress. Good luck!