Instead Softcup?

Updated on July 02, 2011
M.E. asks from Brunswick, GA
9 answers

I do not like using pads and tampons have started irritating me, so I thought I'd give these a try. Just bought a box of Softcups Insteads tonight. Has anyone ever used these? What did you think? Thanks! :)

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So What Happened?

I am not sure if I will use them again. I put one in last night and getting it back out was much more difficult and uncomfortable than I expected. :( I ended up in tears and thought I was going to have to call my ob/gyn for help. It was that difficult and that painful. I am not sure if I am willing to try again. Thanks for info on the other alternatives. I will check into them.

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answers from Tampa on

I tried Instead cups several years ago, and it was a disaster. I'm using a MeLuna menstrual cup now. I love it. I don't think I'll ever buy disposable pads and tampons again. Since I started using it my periods are shorter and I have zero cramps.

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answers from Austin on

You may want to give these another try before you give up - they do take some getting used to! I've been using for 12 years now and love them. But, they do take some practice with insertion and getting a comfortable fit. You will also get better at removing them without as much mess. I won't lie, they are messier upon removal than a tampon, but I just slide mine out and immediately put some toilet paper in to soak up the fluid, then wrap in tp, then put back in the purple wrapper. I only need to use 2 per day so the value is good as well. And they are great for keeping the sheets clean for sex during your period!

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answers from Fort Myers on

Takes a little getting used to but love them. Makes live easier in the long run.

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answers from New York on

I have the Keeper, and LOVE it. I seem to remember trying either the softcup or something like it, and I hated them. They were hard to handle, and messy. The Keeper is easy to handle, like not wearing anything at all, and can be left in all day (8-10 hours). It also isn't disposable, which is not only better for the environment, but more convenient. You never run out of "supplies" and have to make an emergency run. For some reason, I find that I'm more comfortable using light days liners for the last couple of days of spotting, but for my heaviest days it is fabulous.

I hadn't heard about the Diva until now, so I can't comment, but it sounds like it might even be better. I've been using a cup for about 12 or 13 years now, and I wouldn't go back. In fact I had to go back briefly around the time I had my daughter, and I forgot how awful the standard options are.

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answers from Kansas City on

Get a Diva Cup- one time cost!

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answers from Spartanburg on

Sorry, I haven't used these in particular, but I have used the Diva Cup and the Keeper which are non disposible versions of the Instead Softcup. I was pleased with both, easy to use, held a lot, comfortable.



answers from San Antonio on

I use the Instead Softcups. At first it was very difficult to remove and oh so messy! After a few uses and a little trial and error I don't have any problems at all.

I do occasionally have a problem on my heaviest day with leakage. Sneezing can be a very bad thing.
Other than that, I absolutely love them.

I have several tips for easy removal that I am more than happy to share. If you are interested please PM me.


answers from Seattle on

I love the cups.

I wish I could say I love the instead brand. I did at first.

They are awkward to pull out. You end up needing to put gloves on and cover the bathroom with towels so you do make a giant mess.

If you are going to invest in something,I would recommend the Diva cup. It is reusable. I just over all like the Diva cup better.



answers from Dallas on

Get a Diva cup, or a Mooncup. It's COMPLETELY different than a softcup, insertion and removal are easy breezy. I used the Instead and hated it, used one from the box and then tossed the box; messy, hard to get in the right way and remove without spilling everywhere, uncomfortable, leaked everywhere - just hated it. I've used a Mooncup for 3 years, LOVE that thing! Easy to put in, can't feel it when it is in, and easy to take out. You can leave it in 8 - 10 hours with no leaks unless it's a very heavy day in which case you'll need to empty sooner - your body will adjust quickly, within a couple of months you'll know when you have to empty more often and when you can go longer. Also saves you a ton of money, one time purchase is like $30, then you are good for years.

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