I was also on medication during my pregnancy. 10 mg Celexa, 1 mg haloperidol, 75 mg doxepin. These, I am told, are the safest meds at the safest dosages during pregnancy. I stayed stable throughout my pregnancy and an added bonus was the doxepin really served as a sleep aid in the evenings as well as an antidepressant. I dropped the doxepin after delivery because it made me too drowsy to properly care for my newborn.
About being selfish, I would say no, not for wanting to have a child HOWEVER you have a very dire responsibility to that child that requires a LIFELONG COMMITMENT. My pregnancy was not planned but as soon as I found out that I had become pregnant I not only changed my psyche meds but I picked up several counseling and therapy sessions. I suggest that you do the same. A child deserves a mother who is STABLE, HAPPY and ALERT. You know yourself, maybe you don't need to do what I did but what I did was for my darling daughter. While in therapy I took the opportunity to discuss safety plans for those down days and possible mood swings. I have an illness and many women have been negatively affected by just this such an illness, I was NOT going to be one of them. Remember that your hormones will be raging in addition to the chemical imbalances you will be dealing with both before and AFTER delivery. I ask you humbly to consider taking the time to seek out 4-6 sessions at least. I did 18 sessions both in a group setting and individually. Check your local MHMR or call your insurance provider to see what therapists/counselors are close and available to you. Once you get an appointment simply state that you are pregnant and have __________ issues (whatever they are). A bi-polar group, a lifeskills group even a parenting group will do. (Maybe all three)d Being able to talk about your thoughts, fears,hopes,dreams, and needs will help your brain and body prepare for the coming child, organize your priorities and decompress.
My best to you, J., and good luck.