I don't have any information for you, sorry I can't help in that respect. I just wanted to respond to the two people who are very obviously anti-homeschooling. Anyone can make a typo, especially when you are trying to be fast. I don't judge people based on that! My parents started homeschooling me in second grade because according to the state standardized testing in first I had learned nothing that entire year. In college I had several people comment that "you don't act like a homeschooler". I think homeschooling is what you make it. If you keep your kids home and isolate them from everyone, obviously they will be a little strange. If you take the freedom that homeschooling brings and use it to expose your kids to different experiences, and make sure they have opportunities to spend time with other kids, they will be fine. Probably even more well-rounded then some public school kids. BTW, I have a bachelors degree in nursing. My brother, who was also homeschooled has a masters in business, and the youngest is currently in college getting his degree. Neither of my parents are teachers, they just made sure we did our work. Sorry, I just found those comments very narrow-minded and I had to put my two cents in. Good luck!