Infant Not Sleeping

Updated on June 08, 2009
M.S. asks from Chandler, AZ
10 answers

My 7 1/2 month old baby will no longer sleep. He sleeps less at night and almost always refuses to take naps. He used to nap 3 times a day anywhere from 45 minutes to 3 hours. Now he won't go down at all and when he does it usually takes a LONG time. I don't know what happened, what changed or what I am doing wrong. Anyone have any advice?? I keep trying over and over to coax him to sleeping but it's now like he hates his crib. We do our usual routine to go down for a nap (books, turn sound machine on, sing) I lay him down and now he just starts to cry. HELP!!

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answers from Phoenix on

Take him to the pediatrician. He could have an ear infection (which does not always involve a fever). And even if he doesn't, they can at least offer some advice.

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answers from Phoenix on

I would first guess teething...such a drastic change so fast. Although it could be irritating foods and/or reflux as suggested. Keep trying to soothe him ...poor kid needs you! Good luck...parenting is a good portion of trial and error.



answers from Phoenix on

First take him to the pediatrician to make sure he is well. Next, my pediatrician told me at the 6 month check up of my first baby, that pretty soon he would be unable to fall asleep with someone in the room. He gave me instructions on how to let him "cry it out". It involved going in after the first 5 minutes and reassuring him, then leaving the room, returning after 10 minutes, then 20. You get the picture. I thought it was HORRIBLE, but eventually I tried it because he was sleeping less and less and was so craby. After 3 nights he was sleeping and napping with no problem. Trust me, he will wake up happy and show no signs of feeling abandonned. It was really hard of course!

I have used this method with all 4 of my kids and I can tell you that I gave them the gift of sleep. They were happier and more rested. Within a few days I would go to rock them for a minute before putting them to bed and they would instead try to climb out of arms to get to their cribs. They love their beds and they all sleep peacefully. The GIFT of SLEEP is crutial. They must learn to sleep on their own.

There are many methods out there. 7 to 8 months is when I employed this method for all my babies because they are old enough to know that bed means they are supposed to sleep. Also, it was at this age that they started waking up more and more at night and during naps. I think they were wanting me to put them back to sleep because they didn't know how to do that on their own.

Good Luck! What ever you decide to do.



answers from Phoenix on

M., It sounds like your 7 month old is experiencing separation anxiety. This is totally normal and will be easier for him to overcome if you respond with offering security instead of isolation. I'm sure you will get a lot of great responses, but don't be tempted to follow the crowd and "let him cry it out". There's nothing wrong with rocking your baby to sleep or holding him. He desperately needs to know you are there to comfort him when he needs it. I have a 4 yr old and a 13 month old and I can tell you that this stage will pass quickly and you won't have to rock your baby to sleep when he's 12. I rocked my first child to sleep every night and nap until she was almost 2 and no longer wanted it. She's a fantastic sleeper--puts herself to sleep on her own everynight and sleeps 10-12 hours. Enjoy motherhood and beware of others that encourage you to detach from your child too soon. That detachment/separation will naturally occur as the child develops. Follow your instincts and just love your kid. You'll both sleep better that way. Best wishes. R., Midwife Mom of 2



answers from Phoenix on

He could just prefer to be held by momma... My first one was like that. Try laying him down and letting him cry for a bit... After 5 min go check in on him, pat his back wisper mommy loves you and leave again repeting the process till he sleeps...

It could just be that he is napping to much. By 7 1/2 months babies usualy tend to only nap 1 or 2 times. For a total of 3 hours durring the day...

Sometimes when babys dont want to sleep it is due to reflux or G.E.R.D. Maby try putting him in the baby swing to sleep or even the car seat, see if having him more up right helps.



answers from Tucson on

Hi there M.

I too went through dramas with my baby (5 years ago) not sleeping well. I won't give you the drama that people from the breastfeeding society gave me, but needless to say, I would really recommend the use of formula for more food if you are exclusively breastfeeding.

We used to get between 1-3 hours staggered before we were ready for the next feed when my son was a baby.

All the best




answers from Tucson on

He could be teething - you could try a safe and all-natural herbal combo called Calmazon. It works great for pain, inflammation and relaxing the nervous system - and it induces sleep when needed. It can be used on all ages. If you want more info you can contact me or visit my website:



answers from Phoenix on

Hi M.,
You've gotten some great advice from the other moms. I just have a book reference that is our sleep bible- Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child by Marc Weissbluth. It changed our lives- I bought it when my son was about 7-8 months old and is a life-saver. The author/pediatrician gives lots of case studies and lots of helpful advice. I still reference it periodically. Good luck and congrats on your little angel!



answers from Tucson on

My daughter just turned 7 months, she sleeps about 3 to 4 times a day. Most of the time it's two 30 min naps and one 1 1/2hr nap.
Maybe he's teething, my daughter just got her first two teeth the past 2 weeks and she couldn't sleep and she was super needy, she didn't want to lay down or anything. She wanted to sit by me to play, be held when she slept or ate and in general just wanted comfort. Anytime she was more than a foot from me she looked upset. Of course it passed and she's getting back on a schedule, although she is awake more than she was last few months.
I wouldn't worry too much every baby is different, and almost always not what we expected, enjoy his wakefulness for now. When he's a teenager and awake at all hours, that's when it's time to worry :p



answers from Santa Fe on

First- don't think you are doing anything wrong, you just haven't found what works for this kiddo at this exact moment. Trial and error is an understatment when it comes to figuring out what to do with our kids! And, right when you figure it out, they'll change the game- so hang in there. It could be a number of things like people have mentioned- teething (try a little Tylenol at bedtime and see if it helps him- recommended by my pediatrician to me a few years ago), or upset tummy- watch for changes with different foods. I also was thinking it could be him knowing that he doesn't want to take a nap, although he probably needs one, and he is at that age where he is figuring out how to get mommy to do what he wants. 7 month olds are pretty smart! You may want to try to reduce the stimuli at bedtime, too. Routines are good, but for example- my girls do not relax from a nice warm bath before bed. It is like giving them coffee w/ extra caffine- so that is not a bedtime thing anymore. Also, if you can find something that might hold his interest like a toy or book that he can manipulate, he might find that he likes the quiet alone time to examine a new object. I had to let my second daughter cry it out after she started waking up many times a night at nine months, and it only took one long night and one very short one for her to figure out that was sleeping time. I know that isn't for everyone, but it worked for me. Hang in there, you'll figure it out. Also, some more advice is to try and see it from his point of view- like if you let him cry a little, but then run in and get him up- his POV is - hey, that little sad face and crying gets me out of a nap- Louder and longer next time if necessary! If you just go in like previously mentioned and pat his back and leave, his POV is more like- bummer, didn't get me up but shes still there and maybe i'll just close my eyes for a minute (eventually). Best of luck!

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