I've heard of smaller babies being induced because they are no longer growing well inside the womb. A friend of mine had to have this done. In her case it was safer to get the baby out.
Hi Everyone!
I am almost 37 weeks and my baby's abdomen measured small (and I guess he is small in general at 5 lbs, 4 oz.). I've been going twice a week for non-stress tests and ultrasounds and thankfully besides his size everything is great. Today, however, the perinatologist told me I needed to be induced since I am full term and it's not safe for the baby to stay inside.
I know, God forbid, things can go wrong with a small baby, but if I'm being monitored so well and he's healthy, isn't it better to keep him in the womb as long as possible? Has anyone gone through this before? I'm meeting with my midwife tomorrow to discuss options, but any advice would be wonderful. Thank you!
**Edit: Thank you everyone for your responses so far. I am sorry for confusing many of you. I didn't go into detail as I thought those of you who had been through this would know what had been going on so far. With the doctor and midwife's advice, I thought it would also be helpful just to hear what moms with similar histories had done--that is all.
Basically, I was diagnosed with IUGR back at 32 weeks or so. My baby's abdomen was measuring 2 weeks behind--his head and legs were fine. That is when the two times a week monitoring started as if the baby did not grow, it would have been an issue (i.e. the placenta was not working properly). Thankfully, he has continued to grow, but not enough (he is still 2 weeks behind). They therefore think it is a placenta issue and that is the reason why they want to induce now that I have hit 37 weeks. I took steriods back in week 34, so his lungs are okay and as he is healthy. Stillbirth is an issue if the placenta stops working of course, but as I said, he is moving well and I am being monitored, so just wanted to know if anyone else had been through this and what they did. Thank you again and sorry again for any misunderstandings!
I've heard of smaller babies being induced because they are no longer growing well inside the womb. A friend of mine had to have this done. In her case it was safer to get the baby out.
This is something to discuss with doctors. If necessary get a second opinion. I agree with the other people that there must be something going on, and we can't advise you here. I had a similar sounding pregnancy, with the twice a week non-stress & ultrasound because I had a complication that had a high risk of stillbirth. If you are in that category, you can go along just fine and suddenly have a crisis that results in death.
Good luck and hope you have a great labor, whenever it happens!
Nope. It's NOT ALWAYS better to keep a baby in the womb for as long as possible. In some cases, doing so results in the mother's or baby's death.
Usually docs want babies in utero as long as possible... but NOT ALWAYS.
Going even once a month, much less twice a WEEK for ultrasounds and stress tests tells me that something rather unusual is going on with either your or your baby. If something unusual is going on... then you don't go by 'usual' advice. You go by case-specific advice. Or risk that pesky death thing.
37 weeks isn't full term, but if something is wrong and it's not safe for the baby to stay inside, I'm wondering if the doc meant the baby's been inside long enough for the lungs to develop. I'm totally not a fan of inducing, but from the frequency of the monitoring that you are having, it does not sound like this is a normal pregnancy. If you feel you need a 2nd opinion, get one. We are not doctors and without facts, we can't advise you. Good luck.
If he isn't growing properly inside, its better to have him outside the womb so that they can monitor him and can treat him better and more effectively. If your doctor feels its needed, I would go with the recommendation--for the safety of your baby and yourself. GL
Hi R. - I'm guessing that because you're seeing a peri that there are some risks or complications with either you or the baby? In that case, standard responses won't apply. As Dawn said, make sure you understand what the concerns are so that you can make informed decisions. Take someone with you to the midwife who can write things down for you - sometimes our hormonal preggo brains can only handle so much information at once!
Best of luck to you and your baby. FWIW, I was induced at 37 weeks with twins. One was 5.5 and other was 6.5 lbs and both were fine, leaving the hospital 2 days later. Wishing you the best!
My situation was slightly different but it may bring you comfort to know that I delivered at 37 weeks as well and didn't have any complications. I was having twins and both babies had stopped growing due to lack of space! I'm petite in size and my body just couldn't get accomodate any longer. The doctors felt that because I was 37 weeks and everything else checked out okay (through ultrasounds and NST's) it was better to deliver and let the babies "flourish" outside of me. My son was 5 lbs 15oz and my daughter was 4 lbs 3 oz. They never needed to be in the NICU and came home on time. They are 3 now and are perfectly healthy. Best wishes!
I went through a similar situation. One of my twin girls was not growing fast enough, she measured a few weeks behind from about 28 weeks onward. I had a C-section at 36 weeks because they were concerned that the placenta wasn't providing enough nutrients. She was growing, but not very fast, which meant that she was getting enough to grow, but not enough to fully develop. It was explained to me that we could get more nutrients into her outside the womb since my placenta wasn't providing enough. I'm very glad we delivered early - she caught up to her sister in size in just a few months. I also learned that her cord had implanted in the membranes of the placenta, not the actual placenta itself, so she was having to work extra hard in-utero.
HOLY COW!!!! Do not listen to Laeh G! :O
Once your baby isn't growing appropriately inside it needs to come out. Better to deliver a small (alive) baby, when you can actually help the baby, than to have something go wrong inside.
At 37 weeks you and the baby will be just fine I'm sure! Good luck.
I was induced with my 3rd b/c she too stopped growing. I was told that it was healthier for her to be outside the womb then inside. She was born 6 lbs 7 oz and came home at 6 lbs. She is still a tiny peanut but is doing very well.
Good luck!
I agree with everyone else as far as listening to the doctors. I'm sure they know what's best. I haven't been in your exact situation but my three kids were born at 37, 36, and 37 weeks and were totally fine. The second one just needed more effort as far as nursing and feeding. Good luck and happy labor vibes to you!
My twins were doing well until the last month when my son dropped off of his growth curve. The maternal fetal medicine doc said "it's time for them to be born" very seriously. I knew he meant it and wanted my twins to be healthy. I was exactly 38 weeks, so a good way along. Since you are 37 weeks AND the drs. have been concerned for a while now about the health and development of your baby, I would go with the prescribed advice of having him now. GL and I'm sorry you've had this worry during your pregnancy.
You are 37 weeks. What kind of lunatic asks you to induce before the 41st week. DO NOT DO IT. If you baby is endangered that would be a reason. But he will grow and put on weight in the next three weeks that are crucial to his well being.
Years ago before ultra sound we did not know these things and I believe babies were safer.
I was three and a half weeks late. Long and skinny and my parents smoked which is bad for a baby but I was born in the caul.
I don't believe in induction because astrologically the baby doesn't get their right birth time to do their work on earth.
I went through a very similar situation. My daughter was diagnosed with IUGR and at 38 weeks my non-stress tests were not reassuring due to her heart rate decelerations. I was induced and eventually had an emergency c-section since her heart was handling my contractions well. She was a VERY healthy 3.5 lb baby. She stayed in the hospital (regular nursery since she didn't require the NICU) for 2 weeks until she was 4lbs and had enough fat to regulate her body temperature on her own. My daughter will be 5 in a couple of months and she's a happy, healthy, smart little munchkin. She's still very petite. The bottom line is that I would recommend listening to your midwives and doctors since IUGR babies tend to thrive once outside the womb.
Best wishes and congratulations!
How is 37 weeks full-term?? 40 weeks is considered full-term and some babies go as long as 42 weeks. Are you having other medical issues, that you are having so many tests?
I suggest you ask "why?" a lot. I had to be induced early with a small baby but that was because the baby would have died otherwise.
I had a very similar experience with my first son. My OB for whatever reason (seemed to be his convenience) was insistent that I be induced. From my research at the time, and this was confirmed with my second son with whom I had a different OB for obvious reasons, the key is the fluid level. If your fluid level is still good, the baby is moving around normally, there is no reason to induce. My older son was also small and they sent me to a perinatologist to make sure nothing was wrong with the cord or the placenta and once they ruled those issues out I was told my pregnancy was just like any other. I stuck to my guns and refused to be induced till my due date had come and gone; I was induced 4 days after my due date and my son was 6lbs 3 oz at birth so I was really glad I hadn't done it 3 weeks earlier.
I think your explanation cleared a lot of things up.
Your baby needs nutrients to grow and if the placenta isn't providing them, then yes if your doctor and midwife feels that having him at 37 weeks is best for him then I would do it. Yes it is not an easy decision.
This is from babycenter.com: Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb.
I myself thought full term was 38 - 42 weeks.
I have small babies period. My son was 6 1/2 weeks early (of his own choosing and he has been on the run ever since), obviously he was small. My daughter was 1 1/2 weeks early (based on a 40 week pregnancy) and she weighed under 6 pounds. Both are fine, both are healthy, both are active and both have no problems.
It is a hard decision, but isn't most of the important ones hard. Good luck with whatever you choose to do and most of all Congratulations!
Seriously!! 37 weeks is NOT and never will be full term! 40 weeks is full term and many babies who aren't ready will even stay in the uterus up to 42-43 weeks. I would drop that Dr like a hot pan!! He's trying to bully you into a bad decision. Unless you are having pre-eclampsia episodes or another life threatening issue or the fetus is - there is no sane or medical reason to even CONSIDER induction!!
I would drop him for the Midwife... that Dr does not have you or your baby best interest in mind.
I would certainly let your baby grow more. As long as you and baby are healthy, there is no reason to do so. Many doctors are pushing things like this including c-sections, which is absolutely insane! Get another opinion and speak with your midwife. Remember....you know best, even more than any doctor.
unless there are more issues than the one's you've described here, there should be no reason for you to induce. 40 weeks is considered full term, there is no reason to induce an otherwise healthy baby at least 3 weeks early.