You HAVE to stop the supplements. She won't starve, I promise. Her stomach is TINY right now - about the size of a cherry. Can you imagine what 2 ounces is doing to that space? It's a fallacy that so many women aren't making enough for a days-old infant. YOU'RE FINE! The only reason she sleeps better with the formula is because it's not as digestible, so it sits in her stomach making her body think she's full:(
So, what do you do? First, nurse her every time she cries. It doesn't matter if you just finished nursing her 20 minutes ago. She's only a week old, that's her job - to eat! The more you nurse, the more you'll produce. Pumping doesn't work as well, babies are MUCH more efficient at getting milk to come out.
Second, stop worrying. She doesn't need much to fill her stomach, so you are, most likely producing a sufficient amount. Most infants eat every 1-2 hours for the first few weeks, it doesn't mean they aren't getting enough.
Third, find a support group so you are only getting pro-breastfeeding info instead of the doctors who claim that the baby can't loose "too much weight". Babies lose weight in the hospital and as long as they aren't becoming sick, dehydrated, or extra sleepy, there's no reason to supplement before your milk comes in - it's only detrimental to your milk supply:( Ask if your local hospitals have support groups either led by peers or by LC's. And go here: to find a La Leche League chapter nearest you. You can call a leader ANY TIME if you need immediate help. They can talk to you on the phone, or visit you depending on what your issues are.
I wrote this to help someone else a while through it, there are some more helpful answers. Start with the natural things like foods and then if it doesn't help in a week or so, start with the fenugreek.
First, as I'm sure you are aware, it's a supply and demand thing. So, every bottle you give is more liquid your baby's tummy is getting used to getting but your body isn't producing. It usually leads to a snowball effect until you don't produce anything and you are only using formula. What makes you think you aren't producing enough? Is she not peeing and pooping? This is the best indicator of milk production. Is she gaining weight? Have you ever weighed her right before and right after feeding? If you take her to the Dr.'s office and ask them to let you weight her in just a dry diaper, then nurse her, then weigh her again (don't change her even if she poops), you will know exactly how much she's getting. 2-4 ounces is normal.
Do you have any other kids? If not, just climb in bed for the weekend, get rest, drink plenty of water and nurse on demand every time she cries. Even if it's every 1/2 hour, the more you nurse, the more milk you produce and the less often she will need to nurse. If you can get by with every couple hours, then pump right after you nurse to tell your body to produce more each session.
If you do that for a couple days, no formula, and it doesn't help, then you can try fenugreek and blessed thistle. they work better together and you can get a combo pill from places like Wild Oats. 3-4 capsules at each meal. Your sweat and/or urine should smell a bit sweet like maple syrup if you are using enough (I know...weird...) If it doesn't help in 3-5 days, it won't, so don't bother taking it longer than that. If it does help, you don't need to keep taking it.
If Fenugreek doesn't help, you can ask your doc about a prescription. It starts with an R, but I don't remember the name right now. (Reglan?) Another is domperidon, but you have to order it from Australia!
Other easy things to try for the next few days...
~Beer. One won't hurt the baby and the brewers yeast helps milk production and alcohol relaxes you so you aren't so worried about making enough. The worst thing for production is stress.
~Oatmeal for breakfast. Not the instant oat meal, but quick oats in the canister or (better) old-fashioned rolled oats. They take forever to cook, but work the best.
~Google "Lactation Cookie Recipe". They are yummy and have all kinds of good stuff in them.
I know this was long...I hope you find it helpful!