In Need of Friends/support/distractions

Updated on July 17, 2007
J.B. asks from Kansas City, MO
5 answers

I just recently broke up with my boyfriend (father of my wonderful baby girl) and now I have this horrible anxiety whenever I have any free time. I know I'm going through the normal parts of separation but it's just really hard and feel like Ella knows that I am not totally present with her. It was a very bad relationship and he's not a good spouse, but huge parts of me can't seem to stop thinking about him and what he's doing, etc. I just really need some good, healthy, distractions and making friends with some local moms seemed liked a good option. I live north of the river in Kansas City, MO and would love to meet some good, honest, people. If anyone lives North and would maybe like to take the kids to the park together sometime or something I'd really appreciate the distraction and the opportunity for Ella to spend some time with other kids and see her mommy happy.

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So What Happened?

Thanks for your responses! I have recently started a Hip Mama Meetup group and that is definately keeping me busy... we haven't even had our first meeting yet! Plus, he and I have been talking. We agree that we love each other dearly and we want more than anything to hold our family together. We also agree that we can't live together right now and we need to get professional help. So, with hard work and dedication to my relationship, and my new, healthy, Ella promoting distraction (for when I know it's healthiest for he and I to have space) I'm doing much better and will continue to.

More Answers


answers from Dallas on

Hey J.,
I live in kc north just west of Liberty. Feel free to email me if you need to get out for a day of shopping or an evening of drinks.



answers from Kansas City on

Hi J.,
Well I don't live up north but definitely am hoping the best for you and Ella. I think it's great for you to find some people who can help you get past this stage and grow and learn what you can from it. Feel free to message me if you want to talk :)



answers from Kansas City on

Hello, I am a 28 yo mother of two Little girls 21m/o and 4 yo. I would love to hang out. I have a mommies group in the liberty area but now I am doing home daycare so I am home all the time. E-mail me if you would like to hang out.



answers from Kansas City on

Hi J..
I am a 28 yr old mother of one. I have a nine month old baby girl and am a member of a few different playgroups. We are currently in Liberty, MO also at my mothers temporarily till we find a place of our own. If you need someone to talk to, hang out with, or want more info on the playgroups we are involved in feel free to message me on here or you can find me on myspace as well at



answers from Kansas City on

Hello J.!

I've been in your shoes before!! It is not easy. I worked when I didn't have my daughter, I cleaned the house, I did anything possible to make time go by. Eventually it gets easier but it does take a while. It's normal to have those thoughts about your ex-spouse. You had a child with him.

We did Penguin Park (off Vivion and Chouteau), we go to Smithville Lake to swim, etc.

To give you hope...I had a mean ex-husband that luckily got away from but have to share custody of. He continues to invade my life but I have remarried and met the best man for me and I am very happy. We have a 2 year old daughter and adores my oldest from the previous marriage.

It is easier said than done but you will get there. Be strong and have hope that your feelings and life will get better.

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