RSV is a viral lung infection that has no cure and is never gone out of the body once it's contracted. This was explained to me the 3rd time my daughter was diagnosed with RSV. It lays dormant in your lungs and anything can trigger it to "flare up." Most likely your child has RSV when you think they have a serious cold, cough,earache, or congestion. When my daughter gets bad and I think she is having a RSV flare, I ask for the RSV nose swab test to verify it so that she can be treated properly.
Adults get RSV, which means they have had it as a child. RSV is most commonly mis-diagnosed as bronchitis.
All you can do is try to keep your son away from sick kids/people until his immune system can build up. My daughter was 2 when she was 1st diagnosed. At 14 months, you really need to be careful and keep him away from any sickness anyone has. Any sickness can trigger a virus in your child and it may show up different than what the other person had. More than likely the cold/wheezy/congestion/ear infections you described after the RSV breakout IS RSV. You will forever need to be on the watch for signs of RSV in your son. RSV can be just one or all of it's symptoms: cough, runny nose(even clear snot), fever, ear infection that goes for weeks... Think about all the symptoms he has with each episode...You are the mom, you are around him 24/7, you can ask the DR for the RSV test-don't wait for them to suggest it.
Keep him hydrated. Pedialyte comes in popsicles. You can freeze some and keep some for liquid drink. This is what I use most, due to the fact that Pedialyte is only good for 48 hours after it is opened. When his appetite is down, due to not feeling good, Pediasure is good and we always keep it on hand as well. Both these come in generic, less expensive brands. They are all made by the same company.
I also keep OTC meds on hand at all times: tylenol, motrin, benedryl...We have a nebulizer for when the RSV gets really bad, she is 10 now.
Research RSV. The more you know, the more you will understand. The more you understand the more relief you and your son will feel. RSV is not just a cold, it can be life threatening if not treated properly. Here are 2 of many websites: