How i learned to control my temper, long, long, long ago was to buy a crate of cheap barware (like 25 cents per glass).
Then, whenever I got mad, I'd go throw glasses.
Doing so let me learn how to slowly recognize when I was getting angry LONG before I actually got angry. I went through several hundred glasses originally. I haven't thrown a glass (or anything else) in over 15 years.
At approximately the same time, I was learning how to shoot. The thing about shooting, is that you have to control your breathing and your heart beat, or you miss.
Combining those 2 things together... recognize the precursers, and then being able to slam my gearshift into neutral (breathing and heart rate)... means that about 99% of the time? I just start laughing. It's fast forward to the 20/20 'This will be a funny story someday' kind of thing. And the 1% of the time I do get angry, I just take a deep breath, and step outside for 5-15 minutes on a time out. No glassware needed! I do still go shooting though. No matter how mad I am, shooting triggers an 'instant calm'. Sort of like jumping into a pool. Or holding a baby. Physiological response. So I'll often trigger that at home. "I'm in practice mode, I'm in practice mode, I'm in practice mode." Poof. 40 beats and 3 breaths a minute. Chill.
A lot of anger management is EXACTLY what I did (recognizing anger before it actually becomes anger, learning how to slam into neutral, or how to remove yourself and calm down if you trip into anger). Meditation is one of MANY tools used in anger management (doesn't work for me, btw. meditation makes things worse, but I'm quirky that way). There are many different TYPES of anger management counseling and therapy.
The above is what I did back when. But it's the same series of things with the same series of results.