You sound like me last spring when my son played soccer. I think it has a lot to do with the coach. Some coaches only care about winning and forget that kids get hurt when they are made to be less than the best. When my son played his very first soccer season it was all about fun. My son Loved it and wanted to keep playing. He was a star player. Well the next season we tried a new league. I learned a Huge lesson and wished I hadn't done that. This new league left the game up to the coach. My son was rarely played and hardly received any praise. Ball hogs and pushing to get the ball was encouraged! It was all about winning. Now I am having trouble convincing my son to try playing again. I wish I had either pulled him out when I noticed he was getting upset about it or asked for him to be moved to a different team. It was really hard for him to understand why he was treated so differently on the second team. I have gotten him to agree to try again but I will be careful in which team I pick. I would try talking to the coach or the league. Ask around and see if you can find a "younger" coach pitch team for next season. That way the kids are closer in skill.