Ideas How to Personalize Birthday Goody Bags

Updated on February 29, 2012
R.M. asks from Santa Monica, CA
9 answers

My daughter's having her birthday next month. I think I've already prepared everything: her barbie-inspired birthday cake, the pink dress, the girly invitations, and the delicious menu. However, I need some more ideas to personalize her birthday goody bags. I'm considering placing custom roll stickers on them. What do you think? and can you recommend a printing company I could visit?

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answers from Norfolk on

It's not something I ever worried about.
As the kids leave the party, you give them a bag, and since all bags hold the same things and look more or less the same, you're not taking time to search for a particular bag and everyone it out the door happy with a minimum of fuss.
Seriously, kids open them, play with the stuff for a few days and the bags are in the trash in less than a week.
It's not worth the time/expense/effort over something that's gone so fast.

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answers from New York on

Sounds fun!

I would strongly suggest that you NOT personalize the goody bags, as cute as that sounds. People are terrible about RSVP, so you need to make sure you have a few extra goody bags for those who attend, but didn't respond. You will also have girls respond and not attend.

No need to "personalize" anything outside of a pretty gift tag that you can "personalize" quickly as each girl arrives with a sparkly pen!

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answers from San Diego on

Photoshop! Download pictures of barbie and make your own 'labels'; add names in a cute font, print on regular paper and cut out, then paste onto colorful (pink?) bags with sticky tape or glue stick.
I disagree with some of the posters who say 'don't personalize' the bags - Have a few spares, yes, but - - The younger kids seem to really enjoy seeing their names on there.
Just my two cents. enjoy your party and good luck!!
PS Depending on how many you want to do (10-ish?) I would even be willing to create the files and send to you! I love doing this kind of thing, and since I only have boys, I never get to do 'barbie' stuff for parties LOL
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answers from Phoenix on

You can get white lunch sacks (or any color for that matter) from most craft store (Joanns, Michaels, Hobby Lobby, Walmart/Target, Party City) and then run them through your printer with a fun design that you create in Microsoft word or photoshop elements. Fold over the top of the bag, punch two holes and tie some really cute ribbon through the holes. You can also make little wire charms in the shape of the child's first initial and string some sparkly beads on them. Hang from the bag (Kind of like a wine charm but bigger). To go along with that concept, you can make little bead bracelets and include their initial and attach to the outside of the bag. You can make your own big stickers by creating a picture in Microsoft word with the child's name, a fun border, a barbie pic etc... and print on full sheets of sticker paper from Office Max. This makes the label really big on the bag if that is the look you are going for. Use glue on a small sponge brush and make their initial on a gift sack type bag. Sprinkle with sparkly glitter, glue on some fun sparkle gems.


answers from Los Angeles on

I think your initial idea is good enough. Online printing companies offer design services so you don't have to bother using photoshop or any design software for that matter. You can ask them to print your daughter's picture and put some designs to it. Print them as stickers and place them on the goody bags. You can even put the extra stickers on birthday hats and balloons. Try this site if you want:



answers from Honolulu on

They have great personalized items and themes.
My friends uses them all the time. Good quality and prices.

The personalized luggage tags are great. We still have ours that we got from my friend's kids' birthday parties. And it is useful. Not throw away junk.



answers from Boston on

Maybe make bead bracelets or necklaces with each girls' name on it? Depending on the names of the girls (e.g. how common they are) you might be able to find stickers, notebooks, cups, mini license plates with their names on it.



answers from Washington DC on

You could make personalized sets per kid: Some people send them as a follow up vs having them at the party because of bad RSVPs (friend's baby shower had 13 say yes...and 8 of us showed. People are rude).

You could also go to Cafe Press or Zazzle and make something generic for the kids that showed up. Friend gave DD a necklace with her son's picture on one side and "It's great to be 3!" on the other.

Even Oriental Trading has pencils and things that you can get with custom text like "DD's Barbie Birthday Bash!" or something.

Or, even more simply, take a marker and write the kids' name on it. At my cousin's party, they had blue bags for the boys and purple for the girls and then just labeled each bag so that when the pinata was cleaned up, each kid got their bag for their candy.



answers from Los Angeles on

the problem-who is going to come????

I just threw a party-invited 15 kids-heard from 5, ONE was a no. and one shower up that never RSVP'd. I bought fun PEZ dispensers and rtn'd the un used ones. You could buy everyone a Barbie, have extras, and rtn the left overs.

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