Ideas for Using up This Leftover?

Updated on March 13, 2012
E.B. asks from Virginia Beach, VA
23 answers

For a medical test a few days ago, my daughter had to eat a very specific, limited, diet for 24 hours. She could only have plain chicken breasts, plain white rice, eggs, and white bread. She couldn't have anything with fiber, no dairy, no oils, no herbs, only salt for seasoning, no sugars, no fruits or vegetables. Thankfully plain chicken stock was allowed so I made my own with no seasonings, and I was able to bake the chicken in some stock so that it was pretty good. She had a couple slices of the white bread, toasted, throughout the day.

Now I have most of a large loaf of white bread. I never buy this stuff. I buy whole grain bread with fiber or make homemade bread. But still, it seems like a waste to pitch the whole thing in the trash.

Besides grilled cheese sandwiches and PB & J and making bread crumbs, does anyone have any ideas for using this stuff up? I'm looking for more savory than sweet ideas. Appetizers? Snacks?

This is the kind of bread you can smoosh up into balls and is so trashy, but we had to buy it since it has no fiber.

I might toss it but just wondered what you smart women would do. Thanks!

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answers from Rochester on

We would go feed the ducks. Honestly, we wouldn't eat it...but we do throw a lot of food at ducks. :)

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answers from Seattle on

Bread pudding: leave the bread out overnight to dry, make a mix of eggs, cream, sugar, cinnamon and soak the dry cubed bread in it. Then bake until firm. I like to throw in a few pieces of apple or raisins.

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answers from Houston on

Go to the park and feed the ducks or to the beach and feed the seagulls....or throw it in your backyard for the winter're making a big deal outta nothing. We're talking about a loaf of bread. Never heard anybody call a loaf of bread must not have anything else to think about. I'm sure there are many people out there who would love to have that loaf of trashy bread.

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answers from Salinas on

You can make:

1 lb. sausage, bacon or ham
3/4 c. sharp cheddar cheese
1/2 c. mushrooms & pieces
5 eggs
1 3/4 c. milk
6-8 slices of bread (cubed)
Place cubed bread in casserole dish, put cooked sausage, bacon or ham on top. Add sharp cheese, mushrooms on top of meat.
Beat eggs, milk, salt and pepper, pour over top.

Let stand 5 minutes then bake at 350 until brown (35 minutes).

p.s. I copied this from a website, so add or omit per your preference. It can be prepared the night before and baked in the morning. Also, if you use meat, it needs to be cooked before added to the casserole. I added sauteed onion and spinach when I made it.

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answers from Norfolk on

You can use it in meat loaf.
Or lightly butter it (or brush it with olive oil), sprinkle with garlic powder, broil it till lightly toasted.
You can eat it as garlic bread with spaghetti or cut it up into little pieces, let it cool and get hard (leave it out over night) and use it for croutons on salad.
You can tear it up, put it in a soup bowl, sprinkle cheese on it and pour onion soup over it.

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answers from Seattle on

Breadcrumbs toasted would be on my list for sure. Just bake until rock hard (after soaking with lemon juice, garlic, butter if you like), stick in plastic bag, and let your kids bang on them till they're crumbs. Aside from breadcrumbs:

Toad in a Hole:

Butter both sides
Use a drinking glass to press down in the center to cut out a circle
Put in nonstick sautee pan
Crack an egg into it
Cook about halfway
Voila Treat Breakfast
Sautee the centers separately.

- Soak in milk and add to any meatloaf

Grilled Cheese & Tomato

Smash absolutely flat and bake from toast point crackers

Bread pudding

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answers from Dover on

Use it to make "stuffing"'s not just for Thanksgiving dinner.

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answers from Augusta on

french toast. add some cinnamon and vanilla to the egg and you've got really tasty breakfast

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answers from Philadelphia on

Bread pudding comes to mind...and you can do either a savory one or a sweet one depending on your mood.

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answers from Medford on

Make chicken divan and use the bread cut up in cubes for the topping to brown in the oven.

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answers from Pittsburgh on

French toast?

Bread pudding?

Any hungry ducks nearby?

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answers from Washington DC on

if it was a heavier loaf - I would suggest fondue!!

Make your own stuffing....

french toast - with bacon or sausage...???

Hole in One - toast the bread - cut a hole in the center - fry and egg in it.

Croutons: Dice day-old bread into large cubes, and combine it with enough extra-virgin olive oil that it’s coated but not saturated. Heat the oven to 375ºF, and toast the bread until it is dry and golden, about 15 minutes. For an extra twist, toss the croutons with a bit of pesto, cayenne, or sumac as soon as they come out of the oven.

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answers from Chicago on

Dry it out and use it as a stuffing bread.

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answers from New York on

do u make meatballs?.. when my grandma makes meatballs instead of using bread crumbs she actually breaks up little pieces of white bread in them or u can make french toast for breakfast
as far as snacks go.. i was always a big fan of a toasted piece of white bread with nutella on it



answers from Denver on

cut it into cubes, toss it with olive oil or spray with cooking spray and some italian seasonings, and toast it on a cookie sheet in a 400 degree oven. Croutons!



answers from Cumberland on

Make stuffing and stuff it in a chicken and roast! Or you could use pork-or turkey. You can stuff individual pieces of pork or veal or beef-sliced thin-like spedinis.



answers from Provo on

I don't use that trashy stuff either!

Here are a few ideas: bread pudding - see Betty Crocker cookbook, stuffing for a chicken (seasoned this time :-)), and croutons.

Good luck!



answers from Salt Lake City on

I don't normally but the stuff either, but if you sit it out on the counter in the open and let it get a little stale so that you can chop it up without it smooshing under the pressure of a knife, you could cube it, toss it in olive oil, garlic powder, and a little salt, spread in on a foil-lined cookie sheet, and toast it in a 350 degree oven, stirring occasionally (for +/- 10 minutes - watch it carefully). Voila - croutons.


answers from Kalamazoo on

I would also feed it to the birds.



answers from Chicago on

You could use the bread for a baked french toast. Love Paula Deens. Google it. You could chop it up season it up and make stuffing. You could make a bread pudding. You could make panini sandwiches. Freeze it till you decide what to do with it.


answers from Santa Fe on

Make a fritata and use it to make the toasted bread cubes you mix in. Or break in pieces and mix into crab/salmon cakes.



answers from Denver on

I'm a big fan of egg stratas. You can use any type of bread, but white bread soaks up the egg mixture really well. I don't have a specific recipe with me, but you can just do an internet search for stratas to get lots of ideas.

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