Go to familyfun.com - there you'll find arts&crafts, recipes, etc. Look for the activities by age (9-12) and there should be a lot of ideas there. Good luck! It's a tough age - in between being a "kid" and a "teenager" - hopefully this site will give you some great ideas for her and for her friends.
Track off time can be long... maybe have her make a list of things she'd like to do as well. Then she will buy into the activities more. Maybe she could even look at that website with you...choose together.
You could design a calendar together of what you'll do each day and she can decorate it or whatever. That way there is structure and predictability too. There does not have to be something every single day - but things to look forward to for sure!
She could help make dinner some night - go shopping for the food, pick the recipes, etc.
Perhaps a sleepover sometime in the middle would also be fun. She could plan what the girls will do, what they'll eat, etc.
Have fun - it's time with her that you'll never get back (as crazy as it can make you!)
Kids usually also behave much better when there are things to do... that may also help you survive track off! :)