Good for him! My son took figure skating lessons for years and loved it. You do not have to learn to skate and if you decide to try wait until your son has moved up a few levels, you will progress faster than him and you sure don't want to pass him. Put him in some nice warm sweats, don't dress him so he can't move. Gloves are good but he will warm up from working to stay upright. He will need a helmet. Some places will let you use a bike helmet but a hockey helmet is way better protection. And most important do NOT get cheap skates. I can not stress this enough. Make sure you have something with good ankle support, it makes all the difference in the world. And don't forget when they get tight they can be stretched, length and width. They don't have to be new, just not broken down. As he skates and you get to know people see if you can buy someone's used skates from them. Kids go through sizes pretty quickly when they are small and you may get lucky. If they are girl's you can color them. Have fun!!!