I'm a researcher at Baylor. One of our lab's focus is using therapeutic probiotics to treat IBD and Chrone's. Therapeutic probiotics are helpful bacteria that normally colonize healthy people's GI tract. Having said that, my suggestion to you is to go to your local grocer and buy some DanActive - providing you aren't lactose intolerant. This yogurt drink contains sufficient quantities of healthy bacteria than may actually help relieve your symptoms. I have recommended this to several people who have issues like you've described - but aren't pregnant. They live by it - take it every morning and if they miss one or two days, they notice symptoms creeping back up on them.
Some other things to consider. DanActive is a good source of probiotics. Stoney Field Farms also make a great product - and they make the exceptional baby yogurt. Keep this in mind when you start feeding your infant baby food. A good healthy GI tract full of good bacteria help all of us to stay in good health. Dannon has great products. If you get the opposite effect during your pregnancy (or any other time) - constipation - Dannon has a product called Activia... this product contains the culture, Bifodobacterium, which helps people stay regular. I would not recommend this for you at this time, however if your small one ever becomes constipated, it's a great health, natural remedy.
If you happen to be lactose intolerant, there are other options. Probiotics are sold at Whole Foods in capsule form. Contact me and we can discuss options.
Best of luck!