I'm sorry - your friend is NOT helping her son - she's enabling him and his behavior. They need SERIOUS help.
First she MUST find a therapist or psychologist to help her and her son. She gave up on "helping" him years ago. Sorry to say. So unless she is ASKING for help?? She will NOT accept help and just go on with her life as is.
Does she want help?
Will she accept help??
She needs to go to an Al-Anon group for support.
What would **I** do if this was MY friend??? Next time we are out with our friends and he starts hitting his mom?? I would state with a SERIOUS tone - "Johnny. It's NOT acceptable to hit your mom. Please stop." Yes. that MIGHT cause problems in your relationship as he MIGHT listen to you. He might not...if he turns around and hits you??? This will be the hard part...will you report it??? This W. needs help. She is enabling her son by NOT saying NO to him and allowing him to hit her.
I would take her out to lunch and say "Joan. I love you to death. I've known you for many years and I am VERY concerned for you and Johnny. I've taken the liberty of finding several Al-Anon support groups in our area for you (then hand her the list). I've taken the liberty of finding therapists for both of you. I truly want you both healthy and happy."
Either way?? She's GOING to get defensive. She doesn't have any other way to cope. And for her?? **THIS** is her life. Maybe she's resigned to it - maybe she is silently screaming for help?? Maybe she cries herself to sleep at night...you NEED to let her know you care. you NEED to let her know she's NOT alone...be prepared...you're stepping up and saying something might put friction in your relationship - it might not... I don't know...but if you do NOTHING - what will that do??? NOTHING...