I Think I'm Pregnant......

Updated on September 01, 2010
J.G. asks from Belvidere, NJ
4 answers

It is still too soon to test- my period is due next Thursday (8 days). I feel pregnant, but my breasts aren't sore. I am still breast-feeding. Is that normal? I have been peeing a LOT. My nose is extra runny, I am TIRED, I am HUNGRY. I just don't feel un-preggo.
Will my breasts get sore if I'm still breast feeding? Can I breastfeed during pregnancy or will I dry up? Thanks.

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answers from Erie on

I nursed my third child all the way through the pg with my fourth child, he never complained and my breasts never got sore. I tandem nursed for a year after the baby was born. In fact, I never had sore nipples when I started nursing the fourth, which was the only time I didn't deal with that.


answers from Houston on

you can breastfeed while pregnant but the hormones may change the taste of your milk, so the baby may not like that.



answers from Boise on

Your breast will get sore, but if you can get through the pain, you can still feed through your whole pregnancy and tandem after if you want. The flavor changes though, so most that I know, the older one weans themselves about 20 weeks. You don't say how old your breastfeeding one is. Mine is 3.5 months and I have days that feel exactly like you just described, but can guarentee that I'm not pregnant.



answers from Dallas on

You certainly can bf through pregnancy like everyone else said. It does change the taste apparently though because my exclusively bf daughter quit nursing about 2 weeks after I found out I was pregnant (she was 6 months at the time).

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