No, there is nothing wrong with you. IF you can better understand your monthly cycle and not see it just as when your period begins and ends, you can then gain a better of understanding of what it is doing ALL month long. This in turn will help you curb some of your cravings... begin with this :
Once we ovulate, so begins the Luteal phase of our cycle, (when we become Progesterone dominant) The idea being that IF you were to become pregnant, the Progesterone would help thicken the uterine walls so that a baby could live.. That said, even If you don't become pregnant, your body, although it doesn't produce as much Progesterone as a pregnant woman does, esp in the third trimester, what happens is the Progesterone can cause you to become "insulin resistant".... hence, you crave more sugar and carbs,, ...... additionally, Progesterone can make you feel more sluggish, which that coupled with restless sleep right before your period (this due to BOTH estrogen and progesterone lowering) BAM.. you crave like crazy....
Now, what can help you is this.. IF you get knock out some of the sugar and or processed foods BEFORE your Luteal phase begins, you have a better chance of not giving into cravings during a time in your cycle when the hormones can wreak havoc. Also bear in the mind, that once you ovulate and your Estrogen levels lower and become their lowest right before your period, you may begin to feel fidgety.. why is that?? In part, it's because Estrogen controls the stress hormone, Cortisol.... so as estrogen falls, your cortisol levels are less controlled and depending upon your lifestyle, nutrition and health, well the Cortisol levels can become raised and further cause you to gain weight....... which then becomes a vicious cycle and you feel bad and therefore, to feel good (at least temporarily) you eat more..
It's crucial to get off the vicious cycle BEFORE the first two weeks leading up to your period, I find that IF you try and make modifications during that time, they usually fail.. what this would mean is you get back to basics.. get off the sugar and processed foods. it's tough the first week, but once you do, you feel so much better. Also, exercise definitely helps me... it's key... I well imagine that having CD you are well aware of what is good for you or not.. I would approach this from the standpoint of having a sugar/processed carb addiction.. (that's what I do) to me that means.. you make some goals, write them down and work out ways that you can achieve them.. Also, perhaps meeting with a nutritionist who can help you can back on track.. Believe me as someone who has had major sugar cravings in the past, cutting back on the stuff has made a world of difference when my period arrives.. it has also helped my moods..
if anything, read up about how hormones might be affecting your cycle. I think once you are armed with that knowledge, you will then have a good starting point that's right for you.... you can get better and feel better.. but it will take work.... begin now with where you are.. one day at a time... moment by moment.. it's all possible...
good luck to you