I Need Help.. - Mesa,AZ

Updated on January 26, 2010
A.B. asks from Mesa, AZ
17 answers

hello, i need to lose 20 pounds, i just had a baby girl on jan6th and need to lose some extra pounds...any advice..y new years resolotion is to eat healthy be healthy... i just need some pointers

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answers from Milwaukee on

if you only need to lose 20 pounds any diet will work, i lost 15 in a month on the slimfast diet, or you can mix diets, if you need help tracking what you eat sparkpeople.com is a great site, don't sweat it over 20 lbs, embrace the new you and take your time, if other people don't like it to hell with them



answers from Phoenix on

oh my gosh sweetie....give yourself a break....you just had the baby.....eat healthy and try to sleep...that is the most important thing you can do right now. If you focus on weightloss you will drive your self nuts. Give it a few months for your body to adjust:)



answers from Phoenix on

Hey, don't be so hard on yourself-- you just had a baby! It can take up to a year for a woman to lose all of the pregnancy weight. I know that after my first child, I struggled a bit with post-pregnancy body image because I was convinced that I could drop the weight in no time like all of the celeb moms in magazines. Then I reminded myself that those women have trainers, nannies to watch the baby while they work out, and can afford to have restricted calorie meals delivered to them. That's just not realistic for the majority of new moms.

Give yourself time and make healthy food selections. Work out when you can or try taking brisk walks with your new baby. The fresh air will be good for both of you. If you're eating healthfully and breastfeeding, a lot of the weight will come off on it's own but don't be too restrictive because your baby needs precious calories from your milk. Also, it can take something like 2-3 weeks before your body flushes all of the excess water it stored during pregnancy so you might still be retaining fluid.

Congrats on your new daughter!! I hope this helps. :)



answers from Phoenix on

I would really advise cutting yourself some slack! You JUST had a baby!! Really! Focus on rest and healing and spending time with your precious baby. There is plenty of time to lose weight; I wouldn't even think about it until the 3mo. mark or more. A lot of it will come off naturally anyway. Blessings with your new little one!



answers from New York on

you need time to get rid of baby fat. if you're breastfeeding, now is NOT the time to go on a diet. your baby needs all the nutritions you can give him/her
but a few pointers: eat small meals, a few times a day. I also drink a lot of water (i probably drink about 4 cups before noon), and i do the same thing in the evening. if you have to snack before meals, snack on veggies and fruit, no sodas, no fake sugars etc. i don't promote any diets and i have never been on a diet my entire life, but i have also never been over 105 lbs. i walk a lot, and just spread out my meals. good luck


answers from Dallas on

find a herbalife distributor it will helps you a lot to lose weight


answers from Phoenix on

Are you breastfeeding? If you are, DO NOT try to diet! Any decrease in nutrition and calories is a decrease for your baby. Besides... breastfeeding uses up a lot of calories!
If you are not breastfeeding I would suggest waiting at least 3 months... you just had a baby... your muscles aren't ready for the stress of exercise because they are still healing from 9 months of holding up the cute pregnant belly.
Feel free to eat healthy... but don't push your body too much just yet.



answers from Phoenix on

Put the baby in a stroller or carrier and go for a nice walk. a few times a week. Get rid of the junk food and make sure you have healthy snacks around for when you need to munch on something. Drink lots of water and think about portion control. If you're someone who tends to sat what's on your plate even if you're full then only put a little on your plate ( or use a smaller plate)at a time. If you really want more you can have seconds, but most of the time you'll realize you don't really need it. Making meals from scratch is healthier than premade meals although it does take time. Good luck.



answers from Seattle on

Breastfeeding is your friend, I lost all of my excess weight (about 25 lbs) during the first 8 months after my daughter was born, simply by breastfeeding (I did not diet or go to the gym) and keeping the healthy eating habits I had had during my pregnancy: none or very few processed foods, no eating out (or very rarely), eat something for every meal (don't skip) and drink lots of fluids.
While I did not go to the gym, I did try to take my baby outside a couple of times a week, for a short walk (30 min to an hour) and I carried her instead of using a stroller (which burns more calories).

Unfortunately I gained back 10 lbs after I weaned...but that's my own fault for starting to eat junk food!
Good luck!


answers from Tucson on

A., I just had a baby in Sept 09 and need to lose also... I have joined the local Y & a boot camp class... This past week... if you want; I would love to maybe check-in w/ each other maybe weekly & talk about how we are doing w/ our goals? Let me know :)



answers from Detroit on

Be gentle with your self, You just had a baby!!! You should wait until at least you 6 week check up with your OB before you try to start any kind of diet or exercise. Right now just drink alot of water, eat healthy foods and love on your baby!!!
Many Blessings, K.



answers from Phoenix on

My goodness. Your baby isn't even 3 weeks old yet! I can't imagine being that hard on myself. Instead of worrying about losing weight, you should be focusing on raising a healthy baby girl. You need to worry about making sure that you are well rested so that you can be the best mom you can be, not how skinny you are.


answers from Albuquerque on

Hi A..
I want to agree with Jenny: walking is how I stayed in shape before and after the births of my boys. I committed to walking just 3 days a week, and it did so many good things for me, including helping to keep my sanity! (lol) And don't worry about exercise during breastfeeding (if you are). As long as you are keeping the fluids up, and eating healthy foods, taking supplements as needed, you should be fine.

Good luck!



answers from Phoenix on

I found something that gave me help immedatly. With this celebrity secret, look 1-2 dress sizes smaller in just minutes. It reshapes your body! It firms and controls your abdomen, thins your hips, lifts your butt, burning fat as you wear it.—it’great!!—with out changing my diet i loss 8-lbs & 8-ins from my hips & waist in about 8-wks. Just imagine—looking wonderful as you loss weight!! Check it out at
www.ardysslife.com/bodydreams or email: ____@____.com


answers from Phoenix on

Oh honey...you barely had a baby! Don't worry about those 20 pounds just yet! You will have plenty of time to lose weight! Stick with your New Years Resolution to eat and be healthy, and before you know it, those 20 pounds will be gone. I honestly wouldn't worry about it until your baby has reached at LEAST 3 months old. Enjoy this time with your new little one...they grow so quickly! My baby just turned 14 months - he's my 4th and it literally felt like he turned a year old overnight! Congratulations on having your little girl!



answers from Phoenix on

the longer you breastfeed the more weight you will loose not only is it health the longer you breastfeed but everything will tighten. meaning your stomach, your uterous and other women parts.
not eating will actually make you gain wait cuz your body will go in starvation mode. and store all the fat. im all about working out though i havent done since i had a kid but nursing made it all go away. i use to be an ab instructor. and i love taebo by billy blanks. our class use to do it all the time and it really worked. make sure if you just had a baby not to over do it. your body is recovering and trying to get back to how it was and it might take months depending on the pregnancy and your body. let me know if you want workout hints!!! im from mesa too!



answers from Phoenix on

I tried losing weight right away with my first two babies. I found that during the first two months, your body is really not ready for exercise. If you are breastfeeding, you need to be careful about limiting your food as well. You can let your hunger guide you, don't let yourself go hungry, but also don't eat as much as possible.

I also found that after about 4-5 months of nursing, my body was much more available to lose weight.

Don't know what your experience will be, just remember, it took you 9 months to put it on, so don't get frustrated if it takes you that long to take it off.

Congrats on the baby!

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