Have you tried different bottles?? Sometimes, if you call the manufacturer of the bottles, and inform them of what you are doing, they will send you one as a "sample"..and if the baby takes it, then boom! They have another customer...Its good relations for them to do it....I would try...Most of the phone numbers for the manufacturers are on the boxes that the bottles come in...so stroll down the baby isle with a pen and paper and call them..:)
Pumping milk would be a good alternative for you, and Im sure no one has to tell you what benefits there are to breastmilk..you already know.....
The most important thing is that you do what works best for you..and having your nipples torn apart certainly is not what is best! You may also want to talk to your ped about the bottle situation..They may have some bottles you can try or some great phone numbers/places to get free "samples"...not only that, but if THEY call, im sure they would be able to get them for you..:) Good Luck!