My doc is Vicki Miller, and she's in a practice of 5 women docs called Northwest OB/GYN. Their office is by Mill Run, and their number is ###-###-####. I've gone there for about 7 years and have had all 3 of my children with their practice. I have no complaints.
I would highly suggest setting up a pre-conception counseling appt. That way you can discuss any fertility issues that you are having and get suggestions for how you can get pregnant more quickly.
I went off the pill and conceived the following cycle with my first. I had been on the pills for years, so I have no idea what my cycles would have been like if I hadn't taken it. I got pregnant again when my first was about 10 months and was still nursing. I think I had only had one postpartum period at that point. Unfortunately, I miscarried that pregnancy. After my m/c, my cycles were pretty irregular. I started temping and determined that I was ovulating late and had a short luteal phase (the time between ovulation and my next period was too short). So, I took some vit B6 for a while, but it didn't really do anything. It was after I figured all of this out, that I went to my doc with all of my charts and info on my cycles to discuss trying to conceive.
Anyway....I went on to taking a few rounds of clomid for my 2nd baby, and I only had to take one round of clomid to get my third. For me, the clomid just made me ovulate on time and have a normal luteal phase. I didn't have any side effects from it at all. In fact, it made me wonder if it was going to do anything since I didn't feel any different. Fortunately, I didn't have to do anything else fertility-wise, since my doc will refer her patients on to a reproductive endocrinologist if they don't conceive after 3-4 cycles of clomid.
The reason I told you all of this is just to let you know that there are things that you can determine about your own body, if you haven't already, that you can be armed with when you go to see your new practitioner (doc, midwife, or otherwise). There are a lot of good books to read out there also that can help to get you started.
Good luck with your search and journey to conception!