I Like to Do Things Naturally If I Can, Does Anyone Have Any

Updated on February 23, 2008
E.F. asks from Chattanooga, TN
12 answers

Natural remedies for curing sinus infections in children. My daughter has no fever, she isn't coughing or sneezing, but her nose is so runny, no allergy meds or cold meds have taken care of it. On Friday her day care called to ask if they could administer cold medicine because they couldn't keep up with the runny nose. She keeps looking at me and saying "My nose, my nose!" Any ideas! I am going to call the doctor anyway, but was wondering before I do so if anyone had any natural home remedies. E.

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So What Happened?

Well, I had made an appointment for me to get checked for Strep and we also had a doctor's appointment for my daughter. My appointment took so long I wasn't going to be able to make it to my daughters appointment. As we are sitting there, my doctor looked at her and said is she allergic to anything, I said no and he told me so I wouldn't have to make any extra trips he was going to give her a quick check. With no fever and just a continuous runny nose he gave me a prescription for Strep and her one for Amoxicillin. All I had to do was fill our meds and go home. At the onset of a runny nose I am going to try all of your suggestions. With the exception of Chiropractor because i haven't found one around here I like. Thank you for all the responses, you all were great! It is so nice to have a community of moms or dads out there who can give advice. Help out! E.

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answers from Nashville on

This is a rather old post, I realize. But, we are using a product from Hyland's. They are the same company that makes the teething tablets. It is a homepathic. They are called c-plus drops. They stop my son's runny nose almost instantly. The tablets dissolve in the mouth. You can get them at Whole Foods or Wild Oats. If this is an ongoing issue, I have heard great things about bee pollen. But I haven't tried this personally.

Good Luck

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answers from Memphis on

Hi Ellen,

I have a 2 year old girl and she kept getting sinus infections that would lead to ear infections. I tried the saline solution and it seemed to help a little but it was so hard to give to a 2 yr old. My friend recommended Melaleuca oil (this is all natural, chemical free). Add it to the water of a vaporizer everyday. I'm hooked now! My daughter's sinuses are clear no ear infections and she is not on any medication! I would definately recommend this to everyone even for colds! If you want more information email me and I can give you the # to order it. It's not available in a health food store.



answers from Nashville on

We don't use antibiotics unless we're dealing with a very high fever or something that will not go away. The first and only time she's ever taken one (for an ear infection) she had an allergic reaction. It's what spurred my interest in home remedies. Since then we've fought off stomach bugs, allergies and ear infections from home.

When my daughter shows allergy or sinus infection symptoms we put the cool mist humidifier in her room overnight. I give her warm things to drink and any food she asks for. And she usually asks for fruit, soup and maybe potatoes or toast. (Obviously I don't pull out junk food and eat in front of her or she'd ask for that.) She's a great little judge of what her body needs. Remember dairy causes mucous to get thicker so if you can cut back on it for a few days it would be helpful.

To help our allergies we take a spoonful of local honey every other day or so. It contains local pollen and helps build up a tolerance. I also use all homemade cleaners, b/c I found the store bought ones caused an itchy throat & watery eyes.

It's rough when they haven't quite figured out how to blow their nose. Lots of handwashing & bring home any pillows/blankets from daycare & wash as often as possible. Wash her linens at home as often as possible right now, too.



answers from Memphis on

Sorry but I have found no cure for children and there sinus. Do call the doctor though because they will give your child a sinus cotail. It is a shot that the give. They actually give it to me all the time. And it works. But for our little ones nothing is for them but the shot.



answers from Knoxville on

Is your daughter still two? I have been using something for years for my allergies and my daughter who is 8 uses it too. First thing, do you know if she is allergic to bee stings? If she is, this will NOT work. I have been to a naturepath (sorry if I misspelled that one!) They suggested to me, Bee Pollen. I have been taking it, and I don't really have much that bothers me now. My daughter has just started to take it and it is helping her too. Doctors want to put kids on all different types of drugs, things we really don't need in our systems, especially at such a young age...when there are things out there they can take that won't harm them, and are all natural. Now, my daughter still takes a dose of Clariten, because her allergies are still bad, and I just started it on her two months ago...but am hoping to drop the Clariten withing another month, because she is doing better. It might be worth it for you to take her to a Naturepath. Let me know what you do and how it goes. (If you decide to use Clariten...the liquid works better than the pills.) Good Luck!



answers from Johnson City on

I read the other responses and have used some of them myself.
I have been using a "netty pot" from a whole foods store for years. It's a sinus rinsing pot...kinda freaks people out when they have the water coming out of their nose but it works. It would be very hard to get your 2 yr old to use this so I suggest the SIMPLY SALINE. My DR. got us started on this long time ago. My 4 yr old still has some days with runny nose (clear) so he has a prescription for ZYRTEC as needed. It's expensive even with my insurance. I took bee pollen for a month and didn't have trouble when I traveled to an area that I ALWAYS have sinus issues. I am out so I have to go get more. Best bet with BEE POLLEN is to try & get some made in your area. My friend used to put it on her sons ice cream, but I thought milk products increase mucus production. I put mine in alittle juice & drink it fast because it can be abit bitter. Try it in a small amount of juice for your daughter. It's important that you discuss this stuff with your ped...I personally wouldn't let the daycare give her cold medicine because you never know if they will over dose her.
good luck!

been there!



answers from Chattanooga on

Hi Ellen

I know when my son (under 1 year at the time) kept having sinus issues the dr kept telling me to use Simply Saline from Walgreens. that helped some, but what helped more was going to the acupunturist and getting something called Lung Qui. It is a chinese herb that helps clear "dampness" out of the body. It worked great.
That is just my experience.
mom of Paxton (who will be ONE on 9/11) and Alex 2.



answers from Memphis on

One thing that I suggest is taking her to a chiropractor. I've taken both my children since they were born and niether of them ever rarely get sick. Any time that they seem to be getting sinus problems i take them in to get adjusted and it helps majorly. It also helps with ear infections as well. My kids have never had to be on medicine.



answers from Clarksville on

Try saline drops. You can make your own at home by mixing salt and warm water. Put a few drops in each nostril. It'll keep her sinuses from drying out and will help stop the constant running.



answers from Nashville on

I completely understand what you mean. I have four boys and their ages are twins-7, 3, and 1. They all have problems with severe allergies. My youngest has asthma and from birth had to have a nebulizer treatment every day twice a day. This stopped about four months ago when I started shopping for all my cleaning and personal care and laundry products at a diferent store. This store makes products with natural ingredients and chemicals that are not toxic. Now my little one may need to have his treatment maybe once a week and my other three might need to take their allergy medecine once or twice a week. If you would like more information call me at ###-###-####.



answers from Chattanooga on

HI E., I'm and E. too!!

Have you tried a health store yet? They hav several sinus cleaners out there. I think they are called sinus pots or something like that. A woman I used to work with had terrible trouble with her sinuses and she would use this sinus pot and it would clean her out really good. Look for a wholistic place, I am not sure if GNC would be considered wholistic or even all natural for that matter. Check out Hyland's Homeopatic on line. My sister and brother in law do absolutely no drugs and rely entirely on Hyland's products. She had recommeded this sinus pot thing to me once when my daughter was really sick with sinus infections. Plus I also have her on a nutritional suppliment, which has been a Godsend to us. We moved to Chattanooga almost a year ago, for the first 6 months, my daughter was contantly sick. I had to take her off the suppliment because I couldn't find work. When I got a job in April, I immediately started her back on the suppliment and she has not been sick from colds or flue since then. If you are interested in more information on that you can email me privately. ____@____.com I can give you more information on it. Good luck.




answers from Knoxville on

One thing you're gonna want to be sure of: has she stuck something up her nose? My stepdaugher had the exact same problem, and it turns out she was experimenting with some foam rubber. She shoved a piece up her nose, and it kept on running and running 'til the skin was raw. Her pediatrician had to pull it out with some forceps, and we had to stick neosporin up her nose for a week. You're probably going to need her doc to take a look up there and be sure, because you may not be able to see it on your own if she has. Good luck!

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