have you made a "sample" or done a test to your friends who say it's a great idea....test the waters to see just who would buy it?
* Find out how much it would cost to make each item.
* Get your plans - details - on how to make it - down on paper.
* MAIL these plans to yourself - certified mail - I know it sounds funky - but this is your proof (and DO NOT OPEN THE PACKAGE) and store the package somewhere safe (people do this with manuscripts as well).
Contact a patent attorney to get the process going.
Contact a bank once you have an indication on how much it would cost to build one to 100 units, then get the money (if you don't have it already) and produce some units...test the waters...go to a trade show...go to a swap meet and sell your product....if it sells out....take names and start building more and then contacting the people who left their name and number at your booth and let them know it's ready.
If you can go to mass market - go to shark tank - but have your ducks in a row...cost per unit...patent pending...what you have spent so far...how many have sold so far...your list of potential buyers....what you are willing to give up (stake in company) for their help to make your dreams come true...