I Have a Problem...

Updated on August 24, 2007
S.S. asks from Utica, NY
6 answers

my daughter is 1 yrs old and she has come down with a rash shortly after she has gotten her pox shot and her first mmr her doc doesnt know what the problem is and i cant figure out what she could be allergic to because i havent changed anything... i am in serious need of some motherly help... if you could email me back @ ____@____.com it would be a big help because some times i miss the mama source line and accidently delete it... would be a big help thanks

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So What Happened?

well my friends thank you for your help and your advise... i have figured out the cause of her rash and its nothing to serious... shortly after i posted my request she cleared up but then she got stressed out do to various points of annoyance from her brother and she broke out all over again... i talked to her dr and another one and they told me that YES stress some times causes a rash...

More Answers



answers from Hartford on

I was told a rash is a common side effect of those vaccines. I'm surprised the pediatrician didn't mention that to you! I'd call them again and make sure it is just the side effect. Good luck.



answers from Scranton on

Here is a site with some info on rashes after a chicken pox vac. http://www.drpaul.com/library/31DEC1999.html
Keep an eye on it, and watch that it goes away.



answers from Rochester on

Many people have reported side effects from vaccinations, which can appear anywhere from a few hours after to 2 weeks after. The side effects could be anything from crankiness and rash, to more severe problems. If your doc hasn't mentioned anything of such, I'd google your vaccinations and see if a rash could be a side effect from the vaccination. Just keep an eye on your daughter and check in with your doctor if her rash becomes more severe or stays persistant.



answers from Albany on

I have a brother who had an allergic reaction to the pox shot he developed a rash because of the shot.



answers from Hartford on

Perhaps it's just coincidence - my daughter who is 2 1/2 had a rash last week, mostly on her stomach and back, a bunch of little red bumps, it's gone away after almost a week, I believe it was just a heat rash. If it gets worse, maybe seek a 2nd op. from another Dr. but it was so warm last week.



answers from Syracuse on

I'm answering here because I don't like just putting my email address out there.
So I don't know for sure, but I seem to recall being told once that sometimes egg products are used in vaccines. You could check into that, and see if she might be allergic to eggs.

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