I Get Home Late. What If Take I Him for Night Walks If He Is Bundled & Asleep

Updated on December 18, 2017
J.S. asks from Newbury Park, CA
7 answers

I dress for sport walk he is fed bathed & cozy

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answers from Washington DC on

yes. go fast under cloud. wear feather coffee. sleep siamese christmas ball.

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answers from Reading on

What? A baby? A puppy? What in the world are you talking about? Certainly not a baby! No rational caring mother would take a baby from his crib in the middle of the night for a walk. Why would you do that?!

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answers from Dallas on

Who is "he"? Are you talking about a baby or a dog?

Give more info please. Smh

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answers from Philadelphia on

If you’re talking about your baby get a sitter and leave the child at home. Brain development requires decent sleep and a late night walks Sound disruptive to a good nightly routine.

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answers from Portland on

I don't know how old your baby is - could you share that info?

I never took mine out if already sleeping, I don't see the point (are you thinking fresh air?).

I used to take mine for walks and they would fall asleep. That used to bug me actually, because they definitely didn't sleep as well or for as long as if they'd had a proper nap at home.

I personally would not rouse a baby (even if he stays asleep) to go for a walk. I used to have to in a pinch if picking up one of mine from a sitter. I hated doing so because it would screw up their sleep pattern for rest of day/night.

So - my advice would be, let sleeping babe - sleep :)

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answers from Boston on

I'm sorry (actually I'm not) but I don't understand the question.

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answers from Honolulu on

What if you actually ask a question with information provided within it?

Something like this, for example: "my son is 5 months old, and I get home at 8 pm. He's been with the nanny all day, and I love to end my day with a brisk walk. My son is sound asleep in his crib but I pick him up and take him on my walk, which lasts 30 minutes. Is that practical? I want to both walk for exercise, and also hold my son."

If you tell us actual info and ask a question, perhaps we can offer advice.

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