I had brownish bleeding too a few days before I found out that I was prengnant. I would test. Good luck!!
here's my situation..i am not due to get my pd until tomorrow, but on friday (about 4 days ago) i was spotting a bit, mostly brownish color. then it stopped. nothing for 2 days. then this morning i bled again but heavier and still dark in color. now, since thursday or friday night i have been getting REALLY nauseaus (don't think i spelled that one right..) and it's been coming in waves ever since. last night it got so bad that i had to sit and hold a bowl because i thought i was going to vomit. then it went away and came back before bed and again today. i get real hot and almost dizzy and feel like throwing up. my question is would it be stupid to take a test with the bleeding or should i wait till it stops? i don't know what to do. the last time i felt this sick this long (oh yeah, i also got really sick when my husband was describing some kind of chicken wings he had and how good they were, i had to tell him to stop!) was when i was pregnant with my last child-i have 4 and my youngest it now 2 1/2. please help.
thanks for all the advice. i am still having what i assume is my period, although it's not nearly as heavy as mine generally are. i was just concerned because that sort of thing has never happened to me before where i would only bleed a little and then stop for a few days then start again. i thought it might be implantation bleeding. i know it's not unheard of to have "periods" while you are pregnant. i was nauseas off and on all day.i think i'll wait a few days then test just to ease my mind. thanks again!
I had brownish bleeding too a few days before I found out that I was prengnant. I would test. Good luck!!
I bled with both of my pregnancies and so has almost every woman in my family. Go get a test. Nothing stupid about that. Good Luck!
If you are bleeding chances are you are not preg. With my 4 preg I never had any bleeding. But if you are worried it can't hurt to go ahead and buy a test. there is nothing stupid about that at all.
If you really feel that you are, then I would wait till you are done bleeding.I say this because if you are bleeding the test may come out pos, even if you are not.Blood make things(test)go wacky.just a thought.
sweet heart i dont want to upset you but i did that at 1 1/2 months pregent and after 4 days of brownish bleeding went to the doctor who told me i was misscarring and had to have him schedule a DNC for the following week. I would call your doctor to be safe hopefully it is different for you. Let me know how it works out please.I got pregent with my son 1 yr after the misscarrage and have a 4 month old now so it could have been worse but it still hurt.