The only person who can Help you is a doctor. Go see an OBGYN and let us know how is goes. Good luck.
I misd my period for November. And yesterday I spotted and then. It went away. And then this morning I usr the bathroom and it eas brownish when I peed can someone help me its scary
The only person who can Help you is a doctor. Go see an OBGYN and let us know how is goes. Good luck.
Are you hurting? You didn't describe if you are brownish from urinating or vaginally. If urinating you probably should go to the doctor pretty quick and see if it's an infection of some kind. Did you take an at home pregnancy test? Again, if you don't want to race to the doctor, check that out. Periods get skipped for a lot of reasons, but obviously the first all of us women think about are our possible pregnancies.
Are you under alot of stress? Have you been hanging around any new girlfriends / office girls lately? Start a new diet? All of that can have an affect on your monthly cycle.
Just get a pregnancy test. If it's negative wait for your period to start and if you miss a second period see a doc.
If it's positive make an appointment for prenatal care and ask the doc if you should come in for the spotting.
Well first of all you need to find out for sure if your pregnant. If you are this is not an uncommon thing, but The best thing to do is see a doctor either way
Sounds like what could be implantation bleeding. Depending on when your cycle was due. You need to see an OB
Don't waste your time here; see a doctor...c'mon!
Call your OB/GYN and make an appointment and request a pregnancy test and a check-up.
If something scary is going on with your health, then it would be a good idea to make a doctor's appointment. Just a thought.
You have had several questions about your cycle in the past 6 months.
If you have had sex - it's possible you are pregnant.
I STRONGLY suggest that you find an OB/GYN and get a work up done. Talk with the doctor about your cycles, age, birth control, etc. if you are becoming irregular with your cycles - you MUST discuss that with a Doctor. it might be something simple and it might not be.
If it hurts to pee - you MIGHT have a bladder infection. If it's been going on for a few days - it could be something else.
Please see a doctor and get to the bottom of it.