At 11 months of age she is not really supposed to like table food yet. She is still rather young to eat much. She should still be getting most of her nutrition from her formula. That has all the nutrients and vitamins she needs for life.
If you are chopping the table food up very very very finely she should start really like it in the next few months. I would consider she does not like the style of food she is getting though.
My granddaughter does not like many foods. She is a picky picky picky eater. She does have geographic tongue though and that makes food taste differently to her from day to day.
She can eat mac and cheese every day for months then one day she'll take a bit, gag, and puke it up. I can look at her tongue now and see the spots that form. I have a lot more patience with her than any of the other kids, she cannot help how her tongue does this. It is a biological issue.
Just keep offering her foods that are less than 1/4" or less. Her throat is about the size of a straw right now so she can choke easily.