T. - how are you? How are things? I was thinking about you. My oldest daughter is in love with a soldier who is being deployed in a few months, and my heart goes out to you too... I hope your husband has come to his senses...
I bet you'll get some thoughtful advice, and hopefully from some moms whose husbands have been deployed. My advice comes from the heart, and not from experience, so it's just one of those... "if it were me..." answers...
If it were me, I would just let him know that you don't feel the way he does, and that if such a decision has to be made, it will have to wait until he's back home and the two of you can talk. I would tell him that you are going to stand by his side, as his loving wife and best friend, in the meantime.
If he brings it up again, I would just repeat that and not much else. The rest of my letters would just be chatty - especially focusing on whatever good things about the kids you can. And if your son or any of your kids are having a hard time adjusting to the move or to his being gone or both, get them some counseling to maximize the chance that he comes home to a happy family when the time comes.
Hang in there, T.. You are in our prayers.