I Am Very 50/50 About Having Another Baby.

Updated on October 10, 2009
S.N. asks from Omaha, NE
12 answers

I have a kindergartner and a 4th grader. Both in school all day now. I think about having another baby but I am just not posative I really want another one. I go back and forth all the time. Some say I would't even think about having a baby as much as I do if I didn't for sure want one. Starting all over sounds great and difficult at the same time. I also have been recently diagnosed with POCS but am on medacine for it. Please help with your opinions. Thank you!!

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answers from Minneapolis on

If you can mentally, emotionally, physically, and financially care for another one, go for it. If you can't, don't. I've heard people regret not having another one, but have never heard anyone wish they hadn't had that last baby. It's totally up to you and what you think you can handle.

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answers from Appleton on

The decision to have another baby is very personal and has to be agreed upon by both parents. Why another child now and why the 4-5 yr span between children? It will be like having 3 families. I have 4 children aged 34-32-22-18, yes 16 yrs between my first and last. I am happy to be a Mom and now a Grandmom but 34 yrs of raising children, as a single Mom, is not easy. If you have this child now your oldest child will be 27 when your youngest graduates high school. Are you prepared to be a Mom with all the craziness for 27 years? Are you trying to fill an empty spot in your life with another child? I am not trying to be mean just asking. Should you be looking at going back to school, or getting on with a career you really want. Bartending is a great job that pays well but not always great for Moms with small children.
Look into yourself for the reason why the thoughts about having more children. Make a list of where you expected your life to be by the time you were 30, are you close? If not get moving on yourself, go back to school, work on YOUR passions and interests. Did you want to write the great Americian novel, sing in a band, paint beautiful pictures, own your own company WHAT did you want to be when you were 15-16 yrs old before marriage and kids? Go back to that dream and fulfill it. Yes nurturing your children is wonderful thing but so is nurturing yourself. And you deserve it


answers from Davenport on

I think just the opposite of what "some" say. I think if you truly want another child you will know 100%. I also think it is important to realize that wanting a baby and wanting another child are two totally different things. It is like my husband loving kittens...he likes cute little fluff ball kittens but those turn into cats which he doesn't like nearly as much. Also, you don't mention what your husband thinks. You also need to consider your space and financial situations (putting three kids through college, etc.).



answers from Madison on

I think that since you are young enough to wait, you should wait until you know for sure. Time will show you the answer in your heart. Blessings!



answers from Minneapolis on

I'm not sure I understand your question...You ask other people help you to understand if you want another child?Aren't you the one who know the exact answer? Are you bored because your older kids at school?Get a puppy.
I think by now,having 2 kids, you know that this is a big responsibility ,it's not like you can bring him to Goodwill if you decide that you really didn't want it.And you know what comes with having a new baby at home,unless if somebody else were taking care of your kids when they were born.
Make up your mind,no other people opinions on this subject can replace what YOU want.Oh,and did we forget about your husband?Does his opinion counts?



answers from Minneapolis on

One of your respondents said that you never hear people say they regretted having another child. That doesn't mean there are no regrets, I think we live in a culture where if you said such a thing you would be deluged by individuals telling you how terrible you are and that you should give the care of your children over to others. My grandmother said it best(and she was the mother of 17), "I wouldn't take a million dollars for any one of my children but I wouldn't give a nickel for one more". This is such a personal decision, only you and your husband know what is best for you and your family.



answers from Des Moines on

Of course I don't want to tell you what to do, you'll decide that just fine in the end. But I can tell you that children are a blessing--every one, every time.


answers from Sioux City on

I can give you my experience, but the decision is all yours. Early in our marriage my husband wanted two children and I wanted three. I have PCOS but was able to conceive without a great deal of trouble. We had our first two and then I asked my husband for one more. It took a while but three years after the second we had our third. I knew very quickly that I wanted another. My husband didn't agree. He finally agreed but I was much older and our little girl didn't make it. We tried again and our little boy didn't make it either. We decided that we just could face the heartache of having another baby die so we decided we were done.

God must have had something different planned, because out the blue I ended up pregnant. We found a very wonderful doctor and with some special care our youngest daughter was born when I was forty-one. There is seven years between our third and our youngest daughters. It is hard sometimes, but I wouldn't trade it for anything and my only regret is not having more when I was younger. Children are treasures! I have never heard anyone say I wish we didn't have so many, but I have heard many say I wish we would have had more.



answers from Omaha on

GO FOR IT!! You won't regret it!!

I'm a nurse and here's one way I look at it. I've had lots of patients who only had a couple kids and are now elderly. They usually say they wish they had more children. Then, I see these bigger families with the children taking care of their parents. They are usually (not always) close and it's a beautiful thing to see them rely on each other and take care of their parents.

My faith life is important to me, and I feel strongly that if you have a desire in your heart, then that is God nudging you to have more. Also, with pcos, it might not be that easy for you, so you may have to try for a while.

I'm pregnant with my 5th baby. My 14 & 11 yr old boys are so excited and so sweet to me. In the privacy of our home they come up to me everyday and talk to my belly. They've felt the baby kick them and the excitement they feel is infectious. I have no regrets. There's nothing easy about being a parent, but the rewards can be wonderful!

I wish you the best of luck!



answers from Milwaukee on

I would say you should wait until/if you feel absolutely sure you want a baby. It's hard to undo what is done. You want to be excited for a new baby and not regretting your decision.



answers from Madison on

(This is not supposed to sound mean, but I feel strongly about this) I would feel very sad to know that people are having kids that they sort-of maybe wanted while others who desperately want a child cannot conceive. Please wait until you are 100% sure.



answers from Des Moines on

I'm curious as to what medication you are on for your PCOS. I was diagnosed with it 8 years ago, and was told then, and have been told ever since, that the only way to control it is with birth control. I have been on B/C ever since, but I went off of it to conceive my daughter who is now 5. I was very lucky and I conceived on the first try, before I even got my next period!

I have a 10 yr old, a 9 yr old, and a 5 yr old. They are all in school full time now, and I too have been thinking about having another one. I talked to my sister-in-law about it and she brought up some points that have really been making me think. She has 6 kids, ranging in age from 14 to 1. She says that one thing they struggle with is that there is almost nothing that they can do as a family anymore. Because of the difference in ages, there is almost nothing that interests all of them. What the 14 year old wants to go do, the 6 and 7 year old aren't interested in, let alone the 3 yr old and the 1 yr old! And then the 9 year old has his own set of interests too! Even something like Adventure Land is a hassle because of the age gap in the kids. She also pointed out that the physical demands of taking care of a newborn, that weren't so bad when she was 25, were a lot harder at 30! One thing that I had been thinking of myself is the fact that I now have 3 kids who are pretty self-sufficient; they can dress them selves, get their own food and drink, and other basic things like that. I have asked myself often if I want to go back to having a baby that is totally reliant on me for EVERYTHING! Another point that my sister-in-law brought up, that I have thought of myself, is that a newborn requires so much time. Because my kids (and yours) are now in school, we have less time with them. If I have another baby now, that takes even more time away from the kids that I already have. I will be constantly interrupted while trying to help them with their homework, or read to them, or anything else like that, that has become so much more important to me now that they are in school all day.

Anyway, I haven't made up my mind about having another baby yet either. I love being pregnant, and I love babies, and my soon-to-be-husband is pushing me because he wants US to have one together. However, I've been giving a lot of thought to the points I made above and trying to balance those points with my basic maternal desire to have another baby, now that my "baby" is grown and off to school. I don't know if these points will help you in your decision, but I thought it might give you something to consider as you work on making up your mind. Good luck, not matter what you decide.

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