Hi C.,
I breastfed two of my kids and bottle fed two of my kids. There are advantages to both. I do not believe that I bonded any differently with my breastfed babies than I did with my bottlefed babies. You are still holding your baby and gazing into her eyes.
The advantage of bottle feeding is that someone else can do it while you are away, resting, etc. I have known several mothers who strictly breastfed and they were basically tethered to their kids for the first year. Those mothers tended NOT to ever give their kids the bottle so it made it difficult for them to be away for more than a few hours. Personally for me, that simply wouldn't work. Making bottles is not all that much work and with formula that you purchase from Sam's or store brands, it is not as expensive as it used to be.
Now, for the benefits of breastfeeding. Your milk is ready in the middle of the night or anytime. You always have it with you and it's the right temperature. It is cost free (other than initial costs like a breastpump/pads/etc.) The initial nutritional benefits are wonderful and will give your baby a headstart in health.
Is breastmilk superior over formula? I have asked many pediatricians and basically, their answers have been the same; overall, there is not much difference in breastmilk over formula. They say that breasfed babies have less ear infections, attributed to the fact that most babies are fed in an upright position. How do you avoid that with bottlefed babies? Hold them while you feed them. Someone mentioned in an earlier post that for bottlefed babies, you make the formula and then give them gas drops to counteract the formula. There are plenty of breastmilk babies that are on gas drops.
Whatever you choose, don't feel guilty about any of it. As long as you feed your baby, hold her, and simply love her, her source of nutrition really isn't an issue. Will you be a superior mother if you breastfeed? No. Is there any right or wrong answer to feeding your baby one way or the other? No. Give it a chance, try breastfeeding your baby. Stay committed for at least three months. If it doesn't work for you, switch to bottlefeeding and don't suffer one ounce of guilt for one minute.
Good luck