I definitely agree with the others, going away for a weekend or even one night, would probably be nice. I'm sure you both need the break. I also think, if you have enough pictures, I would do a Shutterfly photobook of the past 10 years of your relationship. I'm planning on doing one for my husband based on all the amazing times we've had together. First photo of our wedding, of course. Then I'm going to write beautiful messages through out the book based on why I love him so much. (For example - on the page devoted to my son, I will say "I love the way you become a child again when you play with him"). I think my husband would love that. If you do the getaway, it would be nice to have the book already on the bed waiting for him when you arrived.
If going away is not an option, how about just making the entire day special? I did this for my husband's birthday. I found a bunch of things that he would like and throughout the day, they were mysteriously delivered to him. For example, I had "planted" gifts - one in his truck, one at his work, one at the sitter's house, etc. This took a bit of planning, but I had hidden a gift in the kid's diaper bags, and had the sitter grab it out of there to give it to him. She said "Oh, by the way, someone left this for you". The same happened at work (got someone he worked for to leave it on his desk), etc. Throughout the day he got these "love notes" and he called me after every one of them expressing how happy it made him. He thought it was great that I had spent so much time finding all these gifts and setting them up so that he got little surprises through out the day. The day of course ended with one last love-note that was left on the bed at the end of the night (if you get my drift) :)
Hope these ideas help.