What is wrong with taking meds? If your heart weren't functioning properly and the doc said take this pill each day to ensure you stay alive would you hesitate? add to that decades of researching that proves what he is saying is true? Or if you recieved diabetes? would you not monitor your insulin or take shots when needed to keep yourself alive?
True depression is a chemicle imbalance in the brain, an organ of our bodies that isn't working properly. We are SO lucky that there is as much research out there as there is and that millions of people live healthy full productive lives just because they were willing to take a pill that ensured one of their major body organs could function properly.
It isn't a sing of weekeness to turn to your doctor and get medical help. But I think it is completely selfish and niave to think you are better than your disease and that you can kick it by yourslef...at what cost? My mother never got help and was very abusive to her childern. I had two uncles who didn't get the help they needed, they both shot themselves.
Talk to your doctor have blood work done, it could be as simple as a thyroid problem which can cause depression but by the way also gets treated with a pill. I dont' understand how in this day of understanding we are still so slow to accept that the brain is an organ and it can have impperfections just as any other organ of the body can--It takes strenght to forgo the status quo and accept that yes, there might be something out there that can help you to feel happy and alive and vibrant again. My God why wouldn't you want that in your life? And for a pill a day? It reminds me of look and it shall be opened--but once it is open we have to pick it up. So what that it came in the form of a small pill instead of a miracle curing. That pill is the miracle.
You are right your husband alone cannot carry you, but a team of medical professionals can.
Therapy is a Fantastic idea. Often the therapist will know of a group and be able to get you a referral. There are thousands of resources availiable. Take them--Each person I have witnessed fighting going on medication after about 6 months on is talking of what a wonderful miracle they have starting life again. Sometimes it takes a couple of tries to get the right med but if you meet up with a good Psychitrist who does a full work up to get all your symptoms of depression worked out they hit it on the nose fairly often.
I know for me it was always easier to accept that it was okay for a sister or a cousin to take medication but I was better than that...turns out I'm not. My greatest strenght has come in recognizing that while my body may not create this chemicle, there is a pill that can and then I can live a full healthy and productive life. You deserve to feel happy. Why would you let the stigma of a pill stop you from that happiness?