I studied both Hypnobirthing and HypnoBabies for my last pregnancy, and I found Hypnobabies MUCH better. The materials were better, and just made more sense to me. I used a doula in Westminster who was certified as a Hypnobabies instructor, and a massage therapist - talk about full service! She was awesome and my package rate got me all of her services (including post natal care). This was three years ago, but if you are still looking for someone, let me know and I will find he r contact info for you. Good luck! (By the way, the hypnosis worked like a charm for my delivery - I was 9 centimeters dialated when I arrived at the hospital, and I had NO IDEA I was that close! Now, I still use the hypnosis skills I learned when I am stressed or can't fall asleep.)
Oh, and I second the other women's postings about Apothacary Tinctura - they are awesome, and there is no better place for pregnancy, fertility, breastfeeding advice. My OB/GYN nurse practitioner works there part time, and she is awesome!