Hmmmmm...I wonder what went wrong with HIS day before you called!
My husband has always been supportive of me traveling for work, even when it entails traveling with male colleagues. We work through the logistics, make sure he has all the support he needs (very little is needed though...he's quite adept at handling the situation) and move on. As my boys hit their teen years, my traveling allows "my men" to have a bachelor week and do all sorts of things that drive me crazy, like eat pizza every night, not bathe regularly, never clean the kitchen...guy stuff.
Like yours, my husband is underemployed and has been for a long time. I try hard to not rub his nose in it, but I'm sure it still grates on him (he denies this, but I'm not sure I always believe him). Still, I always do my husband the courtesy of asking, rather than announcing...something like this: "Babe, I've been asked to go to the AP conference again this year. It's a week in Las Vegas with [list 3 colleagues, two males]. Any major objections to my saying yes?" We both know that I'm going, and we both know I'll go even if he says no, but that's not the point. The point is the courtesy. I'd expect the same from him!
Given what you've posted, it sounds like your presentation was too abrupt and blunt for his sensibilities. Perhaps an apology for not involving him in the decision making process would be in order. Asking doesn't necessarily mean you NEED his permission (obviously, you don't). Asking is a courtesy to say, "we're a team and I'd like your support on this."
Just a thought...