The woman, FULLY knows your feelings on it, because your Husband has a big mouth and told her Husband and I am SURE the Husband told his wife.
So they know. The Husband knows and his Wife knows. Your opinion/feeling on it.
So, to me, she should in a classy way, try and lay low or back off.
IF the woman was socially and emotionally astute, she would NOT act this way nor treat your Husband as her confidant. I mean, he is buddies with her Husband.
What a tangled triangle they have, huh?
Your Husband, is buddies with both the Husband and Wife.
They ALL know, it makes you uncomfortable. Yet, NO ONE... even tries to amend their friendships out of respect to you. They don't have to not be friends.. but heck, they act like you are invisible.
Your Husband knows. You told him.
He reassured you.
But does nothing, to put you on a pedestal.
So he is selfish. Or just really dense as a piece of foam.
You are NOT selfish.
The 3 of them have a really tight little club.
They act like maybe you are the extra wheel?
Or DO they, treat you well and fairly and nicely? Or do they leave you out at get togethers?
I mean, YOU have "gone out of your way" to include them in all gatherings with friends.
DO they do that, for you????
If I were you, I would not go out of your way, to include them at all gatherings! Why? They are just friends. Not family.
They are also not your only friends.
You don't have to include them all the time and each and every time.
Again, DO they all.... treat you nicely? Or do the act like you are a 3rd wheel?
Your Husband, is an adult... and you told him how it makes you feel.
You are his Wife.
And you are the priority.
HE should, do what he needs to, to correct the scenarios.
Also, I guess his Buddy (the Husband) has NO problem... that your Husband is all close and good friends with his Wife and that his Wife CONFIDES in him and tells him ALL kinds of personal information?????
Personally.. I would not go out of my way, to please those friends, Unless they were "good" friends who also treated me like a good friend should.
WHY are you trying to go out of your way for them and invite them over so much?
And yes, WHY THE HECK, do they even have to join you all on a "family" vacation??? they are not, family.
Who invited who?
Oh... your HUSBAND invited, her and the Husband.
DIDN't he even discuss this with you first?
Or did he just invite them anyway?
Personally, I would get so burnt out on always having those friends over and going every place with them.
What about your family/Grandparents????
How would your Husband feel, if YOU were close buddies with another Husband and his wife... and always hung out with them???