Your husband needs to step up and find out what he wants to do.
He can take a test like this:
So he can find out just what career would be best for him. If he wants to become a firefighter - to utilize his fire protection experience - then that might help.
he needs to have his resume together as well. A well-written resume opens a lot of doors.
As for places to live - this might help!
I could've sworn that YAHOO.com had had a thing on the 10 best cities to live in in the United States - but I can't find it.
If he has a college education - that will help him out a lot! He needs to know what HE wants to do. Not what you want him to do - but where is going to LOVE what he does. I have a friend who was making a REALLY good salary - like $400K a year salary - and HATED his job. DO you know what he WANTED to do? He wanted to be a janitor. So he talked it over with his wife...they planned it out - saved, etc. and he became a janitor - he LOVES his job. ABSOLUTELY FREAKING LOVES his job!! The stress level in their home? Dropped to almost zero.
So I would go to my state employment office - to see what jobs are out there....then see what appeals to me...do I have the skills to do the job? If not - what would I need to do? Does it mean stay where I am for 2 more years while I complete my degree or get certifications? Or does it mean a HUGE change...keep in mind - if it's a job he's NEVER done before - he may start out on a TRULY LOW salary - like $35K per year as a journeyman or an apprentice - and then work his way up. You need to be prepared for that as well.
Hope this help!