Men... have different coping-skills and are often, less communicative, than women... THEN there is the 'stigma' that Men often have... and per depression. Hence they don't talk about it... and even if that means, with the Doctor.
So then, that means, nothing gets done.
I think, he would benefit from a community support group, for depression.
MANY routes of treatment, are beneficial. NOT only medication
So, I would recommend that.
Otherwise, the person who is depressed... feels ISOLATED and more isolated as time goes on.
YES, they 'know' they are affecting others/their family.
But they don't know how.... to get themselves, help. Beyond medication.
It is therefore, a MULTI-pronged, approach to help the overall, person.
The more the Depressed person feels 'judged'... the more they WILL turn, inward and more... distant.
I am SURE, your Husband feels your displeasure.
But what can he do?
Medication is not a miracle life changer.
It also takes, going to a support group and/or Therapy.
AND he has to communicate with his Doctor... or the Doctor will NOT ever know, what your Husband needs.
He is in a very difficult place.
And he needs support.
In college, my classmate (a woman), had Depression. Her Fiance... had a hard time with it. But he went to Therapy WITH her, to learn about Depression. Sure, there were many times they thought, they would not last... but they are now married and are happy. Because, it was a TEAM EFFORT. Not her partner just expecting a "normal" person... but seeing her the way she is. But still loving her. Despite.
And yes, she has medication... and yes, she gets Therapy when she needs to. And yes... she has MUCH support, from her now Husband.
That is what it takes.
Otherwise, the depressed person, just is so very... isolated. And they do know.... it is not easy for others.
They live with a big burden, on their shoulders.
Do not underestimate your Husband's cognizance, of it.
But he DOES need to get help.