The best sex Ed class I was ever fortunate enough to receive was in bootcamp.
Full on pictures of worst case scenarios that are STILL burned in my brain.
Not a lecture on this is what COULD happen but
This is what DOES happen when you DON'T take care of it early.
The assumption that we were all going to get these things, just a matter of time before we needed treatment, was an eye opening lecture that 'stuck' in a way no other lecture ever has.
Blink blink blink.
So, too, that civilians DON'T GET TESTED.
And really they/we don't.
Military, people often got tested once a week or once a month. When ya get something, it's treated immediately.
Civilians don't even bother. Or can't (too expensive).
Also, in part of your orders, are the STD stars of the place you're being transferred to.
The ethos, being on top of your sexual health, I WISH was as prevalent outside the military as in. But it's a different sexual culture. It's not 'Don't so you won't", it's "You will, so stay on top of things, and protect yourself as much as you can in hopes you'll get something treatable."