How to Transition from a Crib to a Toddler Bed?

Updated on April 09, 2011
K.B. asks from Massapequa, NY
6 answers

In preparation for our new addition, my 2 year old daughter has to be transitioned into her big girl room along with her big girl toddler bed. What's the best way to do this?

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answers from Pittsburgh on

Personally, I would move the crib to her new room and postpone the toddler bed for as long as you can--even if it means getting another/borrowing a crib for a while.

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answers from San Francisco on


Why can't you let her keep HER present room, put her big girl bed there and move the crib to the other room that will become the nursery for your new addition?

Not knowing when you are due, I would suggest putting the new bed in the room and let her transition. Then after a few days or so.....put the crib in the baby's room.




answers from New York on

I did the same thing with daughter at this age. I started by having her take her naps in her big girl bed in her big girl room. After she was use to sleeping for naps (I think it was about 2 weeks), we introduced the bed at night and the transition was great! Good luck!



answers from Pittsfield on

Congratulations on your pregnancy!
My suggestions would be to make it as soon as possible so she doesn't feel like she was kicked out of her crib because of the baby. Also make a big deal about how she's big enough for a big girl bed. Get a nice bedding set that she likes. Be prepared for her getting out of bed some at first- ours was pretty excited about her new found freedom :) so you might want to choose a weekend to start.



answers from New York on

Congratulations! When we were in this situation, my older son stayed in his room. We told him that the crib was going to be for the baby and made a big deal about him getting a "big boy bed". We made him a part of the process. He "helped" my husband take apart the crib, put it together in the baby's room and he helped put together his new big boy bed. Helping was handing daddy tools, screws, and my husband even gave him a small wrench so he could pretend to tighten the nuts/bolts. We got him some special big boy sheets, comforter, etc. We just made a big deal (a positive big deal) about of every part of it and he in turn was excited too. I agree with Toni V. Letting her stay in the room she's in now will help.



answers from Dallas on

We chose a bed that would be a great toddler/pre-teen/teen bed. It's the platform bed from Pottery Barn. They make colors for boys and girls.

He didn't skip a beat. In fact, if she's a mover in bed like mine then she will probably sleep better.

Just try not to make too big a deal either way. Children feed off of other reactions.

Good luck!

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