It does seem a little early to be worried, but I commend you for being proactive and thinking about it. I found this chart that tells what sort of "verbal" skills children should have at each age and when to be concerned:
Birth to 2 months:
-Does not cry when hungry or uncomfortable
-Does not make comfort sounds or sucking sounds
-Cry does not vary in pitch, length and volume to indicate different needs
-Difficulty establishing/maintaining a rhythmical suck/swallow pattern
-Significant loss of breast milk/formula out of side of mouth during feeding
3-5 Months:
-Vocalizes separately from body movements (sound is not a response to body movement)
-Inability to establish or maintain face to face communication during feeding
-Does not vocalize in response to sound stimulation
-Has not begun to laugh by 5 months in response to play
-Difficulty with feedings such as above
5-7 Months:
-Does not babble during play or in response to stimulation (may suggest a hearing problem)
-Does not use voice to vocalize attitudes other than crying
-Does not respond to sound stimulation (indicative of hearing problem)
-Difficulty with swallowing early solids or other feeding issues
7-9 Months:
-Does not look toward sounds or own name
-Is not babbling double consonants (bababa…)
-Difficulty with textures in foods (gagging, chocking, etc.)
-Is unable to participate in conversations with adults using babbling noises
-Does not say “mama” or “dada” nonspecifically
-Does not use different inflections to produce exclamations
9-12 Months:
-Is unable to successfully eat early finger foods or munch/bite on foods
-Cannot babble single consonants such as “ba” or “da”
-Does not respond to words/language appropriately
-Does not experiment with language when playing independently
-Does not participate in conversations by responding with vocalizations
12-15 Months:
-Does not use inflection during vocalization
-Is not experimenting with language during play
-Is not using 1-3 words spontaneously while repeating additional words
-Does not vocalize or gesture to communicate needs
-Is not using “no” emphatically and meaningfully
-Is not using exclamatory expressions such as “Oh-oh”, “No-no”, “Ta-da”, etc.
15-18 Months:
-Is not attempting to sing songs
-Cannot use 10-15 words spontaneously
-Is not using vocalization in conjunction with gestures
-Does not use language to communicate needs
-Is not repeating sounds or words or imitating environmental sounds
-Is not jabbering tunefully during play
-Continues to demonstrate eating problems (swallowing issues, choking, etc.)
18-24 Months:
-Is not using jargon with good inflection
-Cannot label 2-4 pictures while looking at a book
-Is not putting 2-4 words together to form short sentences or communicate needs
-Does not understand nouns, verbs and modifiers and their uses
-Is not using intelligible words to communicate needs
-Cannot imitate 2-4 word phrases
-Does not relay experiences using jargon, words and/or gestures
24-33 Months:
-Cannot sing phrases of songs
-Is not using three word sentences
-Is not using a wide range of consonant and vowel sounds
-Does not use past tense words (“He runned”)
-Is not expressing frustration at not being understood
-Does not use up to or more than 50 expressive words
-Is not imitating phrases or experimenting with new words
33-36 Months:
-Is not responding to questions when asked things
-Is not producing correct beginning sounds of words
-Is having a hard time understanding prepositions
-Is not speaking in complete sentences
-Does not use plurals to refer to more than one (even if not correct)
-Is not participating in storytelling
-Does not have expressive vocabulary of ###-###-#### words
-Is not using expressive vocabulary to communicate all needs
-Is not using sentences to communicate