Hi J.-
You're right- it doesn't feel so great. Please make sure whatever you are taking to deal with the discomfort is OK with your Dr- anything can make baby's life more difficult.
Try to forget about the housework, or hire it out. Take naps with your two-year-old, or at least lie down & read to him, or to yourself while he naps.
Worrying, or concentrating on the pain will make it worse. Corral your two-year-old with you in one room at a time to cut back on your activity level.
You will experience a huge burst of energy when baby starts arriving, and the house will undoubtedly get cleaned then. If baby has dropped already, it sounds as if it is coming in less than two weeks- of course, I'm not the Dr :-) Enjoy just having the one while you're still able- You have all my best wishes and my thoughts - S.