My son has been having this happen for a few years, he is 6, 7 next month. Sometimes (usually) it is only one ear, sometimes it is both ears. They get CRAZY red and very hot to the touch. He says it does not bother him, I think it bothers me more than anything lol. In most cases it truly does seem to be harmless, whats most annoying about it is simply that it can't be explained. It happens to my son at any given time as well, but I have noticed that it does seem to happen every night around the same time, usually right around dinner time, but not necessarily right as we're eatting, so I can rule out food allergies. I have heard to try no milk/dairy and see if that makes any difference but I have never done that as it doesn't seem to bother him or cause him any problems. I read in someones reply that they had read it happened more often in blonde hair/blue eyed, fair skinned ppl, thats interesting as my son is blonde haired, blue eyes and quite pale. At any rate, good luck with this, and let us know if you learn anything new.